they called it puppy love

Listening to: bill clinton
Feeling: annoyed
do you ever like ask questions you know will never get answered? yeah i have some of those... -why do people say things just to piss you off? -how come some people are insane and some arent? -why is this the united states if america, when there are so many rivalrys? -why are blondes stupid? or stereo typed stupid? -why did "god" invent AIDs? -why is pot illegal, and cigerettes are legal? -why are some people ugly? -why is crying stereo-typed as a bad thing? !im done bitching (the aL)
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omg that pisture is me
alright i'm gonna try to answer some so you're gonna have a lot of comments, lol, no weed because it affects you mentaally so it could cause accidents
somepeople are insane cuz ofthe way they were broughtup&their life experiences so certain things take its toll differently on diff.ppl lateron in life