anyway now i can see through these falling raindrops from trees now that i have evidently inveitably but the back and forth movements to rest since i healed and destroyed the remaining friendship since i no longer care.
what is having the longevity to produce these sporadic attacks ratatattat at the midnights delirium and the nanoseconds in which dreams pass by like dreams and names are forgotten.
i remeber you from a year ago in soft soggy soil in drizzle constant rather raining or shining penchant melodies i had no idea i was being watched or followed so closely, endless pockets indeed.
for now as is the fallen crests of buicks parked in driveways away from the subsidized enterprizes i can wonder if i should still look back of the towns i have left to find you still attending classes at the funerals of these educatory beuracracies, if only you were still with me in thought but those emotions were to poweful for those experiencing only a lesbian kiss.,
yes i know who you are now.
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