
Last night i went to bed as soon as Tiffany left around six. i planned on getting up at 9ish to do homework and eat something. but i didn't... i fell back asleep and i had the most fucked up dream o.O;. and this stool i'm sitting on is really uncomfortable. anyways... so i was in jurassic park with these two guys that i frequently talk with online. and they had brought this annoying kid that rides my bus with them. he has red hair.. he's really pale, he's a freshman. and then i had someone with me. i dunno who it was, i almost want to say tiffany but i don't think it was her. so we're looking all around jurassic park searcing for something... dunno what. the two guys and the annoying kid go to the swamp on a boat to cut up some logs with this old fashion saw thing.. so the girl and i go to these cliffs and i have no idea what we're looking for but we just keep looking for it. then this huge T-rex comes up to the cliff but he can't see us very well because his eyes only just see the ground of the cliff. but we still hide from the t-rex. then i look over at the guys in the swampy area and i see that they're sawing this log in half. but the annoyin kid gets in the way and the saw gets wedged in his neck or shoulder... and the one guys like "oh, shit. hold on." so he starts to pull the boy across the swamp by the saw so he can get the saw out... but then! this giant tadpole comes and swallows them the boy up. yeah... and then somewhere mixed among that all is everyone coming over to my house to have turkey burgers............................ yep. i love my brain.
Read 5 comments
you're an odd one!
its your fault, mo mo. if it wasent for your odd ways... lol. nah, it me nerdy ways :)
>< awsome, now thats a creative imagination. But you still have nothing on me! You want a strange dream lol..3 words K-mart, birds,-corn dogs...yeah ok lol peace nicole!
oh my god what a geeey dream hehe. it sounds humorous.
does nicole want to suck my balls?