Devils' Night

SONOFAMOTHERFUCKINGBITCH! Yeah, DnD meeting rocked. but y'know what didn't? coming home. know what we came home to? our truck. the one that we took off the road because it's a gas guzzler. smashed. keyed. smashed some more. dented to hell. completely fucked left and right. son of a whore. mother fucking ass clowns. fucktards. piss worms. i mean... WTF? it's not like things arn't bad enough. i guess experiencing my first vandilism of devils night is something that's y'know... just gonna be a great campfire story. what did we do to you? who the fuck didit? oh. and this is the funny thing. FUNNY. none of gerrish higgins cops were on duty tonight. NONE. so... cops i guess are gonna come back and take finger prints. i guess it isn't as bad as coming home with eggs and pigs blood poored all over your house. or a bag of burning shit on your porch. probably the only reason they didn't come near our house was because of our dogs. and as soon as we got home and let cocoa out she ran right up to the truck and started barking her head off. she knew something happened and had she been out she probably would have done something about it. i love my dogs. the other one's an idiot but that's ok. oddly enough, as much as i swore and vented just now i'm not really that angry. i should be... but i mean.. what can you do. if i find out if they're someone in my school... i'll gather up my homies and fuck dem bitches up. peace out G.
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bloody hell *shakes fist*. hard to belive somebody would do the hole vandalizing thing. eh, they're just a bunch of wankers :) any who, D&D. Huzzah!

when you sleep, where do your fingers go? what do your fingers, show?
Find out who it was and I'll help. :) Plus I'm out of school so I can't really get in trouble for it. Actually I could get in more trouble... damn. Maybe that's not such a good idea. But I could give them a stern talking-to. :)