Listening to: Who fuckin cares
Feeling: emotionless
Once again I'm in the dark. Alone, the light that was there is no more. The rose that was red in now a dying red, and black. The petals are falling little by little. The smell that the flower had is gone. The joy that it gave is now forgotten. The poems and song that they gave to it are now echos, in the far distance.
Well I was there once before I think I can mannage. =D
Ok, now I'm in a good mood. That was fast. wasn't it? =D
Yes! I am leaving two weeks from now. (if things go in the wrong direction) Going back like the old days. Drugs, money, parties, stay up late, no school. Have to worry about no one but me, and my unborn. Do what I want right??? Yes, yes. Fuck this place. If I know things were going to be the same I would had stayed in LA. Damn!!!!!!! Trouble always follows my fucking ass. Shit! Can I ever me happy, for one fuckin year. I'm sorry Charlos. I made a fuckin promise to ya but I can't b/c your not there to support me. Yes I am weak when it comes to love. Damn why did I let it happen again. Shit! I knew better than that. But oooooooooo well..... It was my fuckin fault to ever believe in LOVE and that it would come again like in the past. Shit.
If all in life I have to make others happy I well make them fuckin suffur. Shit my true colors will be shown to this fuckin people. They well remember my fuckin face.
Especially, LUIS. O my fucking ***. If I find that basturd for what he did I well kill him, and no this is not a threat. This is a fuckin promise, that I WILL keep. Just waiting for my brother, Jorge, Luis S, Charlie, and the rest of the Mex, to find his ass. I will not shot his ass....o NO. I want him to suffur for the rest of the minutes that he has left. And trust me his minutes are not to long. And then I will move to LA. =D
Well now I have to sleep and go to school and "ENJOY" sitting beside fuckin dumb asses. Shit.
I pray before I sleep that you will give me the courage and the grace to make others suffur. And no I am not DEPRESSED.
Bless, Victor, my people in LA, mama, pa, sisters, bro, cousins, Jorge, Luis S, especially the little ones which I will end up hurting. Thank You
Just to tell everyone I'm not thinkin straight, so I will regret half of what I said up there, except the part of LUIS.
Love ya
Does anyone have a flash light??? =D

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