I regret everything. Is it to late to say SORRY. Was it me that made them argue? I think so. I didn't want that to happen. To much regret at this point. All that is done with someone must be between those two people. Hate what I did, I didn't want this to happen. First they were talking, and know they argue, because of me. Just wanted things between them to be fine, AND i FUCKED IT UP. My fuckin mistake. I feel guilty of what happen between you two. I opened my mouth, when I wasn't thinking straight. I couldn't clearly think when I was mad. Whatever happened when I was mad I didn't think of the outcome. When I saw the harm that I done.........I hate myself for the shit that is happening between you two. Dont know what all happened yesturday, but I'm really sorry. Especially, Psychocutter. I feel that I mislead you. I like making friends, not losing them. I'm really sorry if what I did made you change the way you see me. Hope that you find it in your heart to Forgive Me. I'm really, really sorry.
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We learn from our mistakes. Luckly, you didn't give anything too vital away...
I was never mad at you. What I was mad at Dean about was him talking about my depression like it was just my imagation or something. Like it was bullshit. That's all. You did nothing. You still have a friend.--