ok i have decided to try and put pictures on here.. the first couple of pix are from christmas time when i went to tennessee..
haha thats my sister with my baby cousin jaiden.
those are a few of my cousins in tennessee!
me, jaiden, and my cousin (( jaiden's dad ))
me, kim (( my sister )), jaiden, and my cuz anjoly.
thats my family. we were in front of the cabin. *i miss it!* :o(
not tennesse nemore!
my family at the cheesecake factory on my sister's 17th birfdaii.
dont ask.. i was having fun with the camera cause i was preventing myself from doing homework!
me... again...
haha.. me.. i look rilly stupid tho.
suuupperr bummed that spring break is over.
heh. me doing my fishy face to cheer myself up.
last and final one i promise! lol. well its me again *d u h h !*
p.s. hi jamal. yea i kno its u, u liddle shit.
well g2g chow xoxo ariana