*=* yo my lovers!!!! whoooaaa.. i gots some catching up to do....
ok well umm.. anjoly's party was fun stuff! me and kellsters got a lil tipsy off some of the homemade liquor. yepp. we met tons of kewl people. and oh yeah!... we got caught in a bedroom with two guys! pch yeahh. its not what you think though. thank god we didnt get in trouble. =]
umm, saturday was my dad's b-day.. we just went out to dinner...
sunday was father's day. and my dad got some kick ass presents! he got an awesome barbeque that is just so kewl! it has so many secrets to it!!! its amaaazziinnnggg.. and then he got tons of shirts and pants and crap. umm we had a huggee barbeque at our house, in honor of the barbeque... duhhh. and um yeah it was fun, cept most of the time i was stuck baby-sitting my lil cousin. hes such a bratt. but hes just so cute you forgive him for anything he does wrong. =]
then on monday and tuesday i dont think i did anything..
wednesday i went to towncenter with noelle, hannah, and kelli. chaa it was so much funn!!! there was a huuggee party going on. and like millions of peoples were there. i made looottsss of friends. xD plus all my lovers were there too... mariana, andrea, christian, brandon (my boyfriend, haha), eddie x33... yeah it was fun. umm me and kelli had lots of boyfriends that nite. lol some random guy started making out with kelli's neck? it was a lil strange. and then my boyfriend, brandon (weirdo) kept coming up and hugging me... yeahh hes strange. lol. and of course christian just had to keep touching my ass with the pooper scooper!!! hahaha. aaron was being a butt and not letting us in on all the fun they were having. gosh, they like flipped over a security cart and didnt even include us! haha lol. i got screennames from some totally weird and random guys driving around in their mom's mini van lol. omgshhh! always remember omar! hahaha
COMANDO! "plaid rox" and we cant forget eddie. haha whatta hottie! i touched his ass and everything!! geezz mann!!! hahaha lol.
thursday.. i went to the movies with tess, kelli, jaclyn, luke, austin, mikey, and nathan (not the one from skewl). lol. it was sooo superly gay. we went to see batman returns, which i thought
SUCKED total butt. but from what ive herd.. it was a good movie. but i wouldnt know.. because every1 just had to walk out of the theater in the fricken middle of the damn movie. yeah and nathan likes me.. but i dont like him.. and mikey likes kelli... but she doesnt like him.. so it was quite funny. we were like ignoring them the whole time and when i got there (i came late, as always) there was like a whole row of people sitting there, and then in the back row there sat nathan, by himself... waiting for me to sit next to him... and next to kelli was mikey. duh. and so kelli and jaclyn went to go get popcorn, and i took jaclyn's seat. then they came back. and i sat on tess's lap. and then mikey moved to tell nathan something.. and i took his seat. haha. he was like "god damnnit!!!" lol so yeah... they were annoyed the whole movie because we wouldnt sit next to them. then kelli wanted to move cause the "light from the exit sign was bothering her" and so she dragged me along with her... and there came nathan and mikey. to sit with us. haha they sat one seat away from us.. and like me and kelli were leaning
all the way to the other side. it was so hilarious. but then like we just left the movie cause like it was sooo gay, and boring. and then austin, tess, and jaclyn left with kelli. so i was stuck with nathan, mikey, an luke... our parents weren't coming til later. and so.. it was just stupid. they got the idea i didnt wanna hang out with them and went back into the theater. except of course.... nathan. but after 10 minutes of pure silence he left too. haha. then like these guys start flirting with me, and all these girls walk into the place.. and obviously they were like relly jealous because their guys were flirting with me. they started like whispering and like pointing.. and at first i was like whatever. but then they started like laughing. so i was like oh pft hell no. so i pretended to call someone on the fone and i was talking like RELLYYY loud and i was like "hahahaha! some rellyyy ugly bitches are laughing at me just because they are jealous that their boyfriends like me!" and i was just like saying all this stuff. but then i stopped because there was like 7 of them and like one of me. and yeah... neways after they herd that they stared at me and like walked off relly pissed off. and i started laughing sooo hard. and the guys winked and waved at me! so i was like "HAHAHA! BITCH! IN UR FUCCING FACE!" the guys were on my side! hahaha i think one of them was even one of the girls' boyfriends! so that made me like
CRACK UP. pchh. they were this little prissy bitches with their lil coach and channel purses. spoiled rotten. they dont even know how to stick up for themselves. thats what i found hilariously funny. they just talk and talk. but when it comes to action they do absolutely nothing but walk off?... stupid lil hoochies.
umm friday... i wasnt allowed to go out. so the whole day i just tanned and ran through sprinlers... and caught up on sleep, which i desperatly needed...
saturday (today).. i went to jaiden's (my lil cousin) birthday party. he turned 1 on friday... haha it was sooo cute! elmo was there and everything. it was like a baby heaven. lol, there were like tons of bounce houses and like trains that took you everywhere and relly kewl jungle gyms.. and like a ton of kiddie stuff... me and anjoly prolly had the most fun outta every1. haha we did everything... it was soo funny. we even played popcorn in the bounce house! lol!!! there was a clown. eek! im like terrified of clowns... but today i faced my fears.. and i got my face painted by her... *shivers* she was scaryy..
IVE GOT PICTURES!!... actually 2..
thats jaiden and elmo!.. and jaiden's mom and dad.
me!!! look at my face!!! haha and those piggie tails. lol. i even got a lollie pop!! xD
lol. yeahhh well those are the 2 pics from the party... after the party.. we came home. and marisa wanted to go to paolo's for our tradition! so we went to paolo's!!! ((YUUMMMM!))... we got our totally hott waiter again! lol hes sooo cuuutee. and he likes us!!! chaaaa mann. lol he alllwayyyss stares at us and he always makes sure hes OUR waiter. lol. hes like a junior or a senior... but who caress!! hes still a total hottie. *sigh* lol neeewayyss... after we ate at paolo's and parted with our hot waiter.. we went to char hut to buy a cookie! haha the guy that worked there had a crush on us too! and he let us have the cookies for freee!!! its our new tradition now. we are going to char hut after our saturdays at paolo's to get a free cookie! =] lol! after that her dad picked us up.. we went back to her house.. then we went to allison's house (marisa's neighbor) and all the dads were watching wrestling while all the kids were playing ddr ((dance dance revolution?... that game with the arrows that you step on!)) haha i totally sucked at it!!! then we played with all their toys.. and then we watched the liddle mermaid and i drew
BEAUTIFUL pictures for mawisa. =] after we had our fun sing-a-longs to the liddle mermaid songs we left for her house. we bugged angela and
started to watch the sweetest thing.. never finished it though.. then marisa's dad drove me home... that was the end of my dayyy!...
haha im a loser.. in front of paolo's...?
marisaaa!!! in the car! haha. random pic?
me and marisa!!! =] haha how many times did we take this picture?!?! LOL!
againn... chaaa.
marisa has turned into darth vator!!!! ha, what a loser..
.... o.O .... the helmet made sounds!! it was kewl! you cant blame mee...
chaaa mann. how kewl are we!? haha i have my light sword thingy! and marisa is a firefighter, with a flashlight...
ok thats the end of my pictures.. now down to business.. i think that me and my family mite be going on vacation with some of my other cousins.. mayybeee. for like a week.. up to like virginia.. and like three other states.. just cant member the names.. but yeah. its only a maybe as of now... but who knows....
umm tomaro is my mommie's b-day and i think we are going to the beach... yuppers. well im gunna go, i have to read... i only have one more frickin chapter left in this effin book that i have to read for skewl! haha this is my 1st book.. outta 4.. ohhh boyyy! lol. byyeee! ttul! xoxo *=*
-stephanie x33
xoxo * stephanie <3
its wikked cute!:)