.`. goshes i havent written in here for a while.. well.. lots of junk has happened.. so imma try my best and make it as short as possible..
first off-- friday was boring.. we got our "corrections" to our interums.. urg.. seriously.. how can a ***
math teacher*** have some 'miscalculations'??? omg! it makes me soo mad! shes a MATH teacher!! if she cant do math she shouldnt be a teacher!!! GOSH! well neways.. turns out that i didnt get a c! thank the friggen lord. i got an 85.. that is still bad. cause i have two 85's. im gunna try to bring them up tho. friday nite i didnt do a thing.. which sucked cause that was my only nite to go out. but every1 was busii neways. oh well...
saturday-- i woke up round 10-ish.. and hopped into the shower. did my hair. and went to ady's house. some of the girls were there but not all of them. i got my makeup done by some lady.. she was relly nice. i think she was mac? im not sure... but neways.. then we just spent the day there.. chilling and getting ready. then around 5 all the guys started showing up. then we all got dressed and about an hour later the limo came. we got to the place at like 6.3o-ish and just sat around. kinda practiced and waited for the people to get there. then we started.. it went rellyyy good. we were perfect. we got a standing ovation plus screaming thanks to my aunt. lol. it was awesome. then the REAL party started. omg it was
SO much fun!!!! nobody sat down like the WHOLE night! every1 was drunk.. it was crazii. omg that had to be like the best partii ever. then it was over round like 12.45-ish and some people stayed till like 1.45.. then we all left to ady's house for the after partii. we got there at like 2.15. all the people who participated were there. it was so much fun! all the parents were like so wasted. they were serving vodka to all the kids! haha it was soo funni! i wasnt drunk tho. just a lil tipsy. teehee. well then we all went outside.. haha "DORITOES!!!" "kim.. can u do this?!" --inside jokes-- lol haha. then some people left and it was like 4.30 in the morning. we were all still partying... then finally all the guys left at like 5 in the morning. and all the girls slept over. we didnt fall asleep until like 5.30.. it was great.
well then on sunday.. we all woke up round like 9.45.. had breakfast and gossiped soo much about the partii. then we all got ready for the pool partii. and the boys came over. then we watched a home video of the quince.. haha it was funni stuff... but then my parents came and me and my sister had to leave cause it was my grandpa's birthday... so we left around 4 and got to my cousin's house. (shawn & jo) it was fun. i played with lil nicky the whole time. shes so cute. then i like passed out on the couch. i was
SO tired! i had only gotten like 4 hours of sleep plus i was exhausted from dancing the whole effin nite. so i slept for like an hour and then we left for home. i had soo much homework to do on accounta i didnt do it the whole weekend.. cause i was so busii... so i did some of it.. and it was already like 11.. and i still had soo much crap to do.. so my mom said that i didnt have to go to skewl the next day ((today))..
so i didnt go.. i got some of my homework done.. but i still have like one more thing to do... yeahh.. i had
ALOT.. seriously the teachers think we have no lives.. that our lives like revolve around skewl and that we have nothing better to do than homework. well reality check! we do have lives u idiots! URGG! makes me soo mad! ehh sorry.. im frustrated.
well here are some pictures of the quince.. and sunday.. i didnt take many pictures.. didnt have time to.
the partii
thats in the limo.. (from left to right) ady (the quincinera.. or the birfday girl) her boyfriend, simon... and catherine.
uhh.. before the partii.. i think? i duno what i was taking a picture of? but those are the balloons.. lol
thats me at the very end of the partii.. yeahh, my hair is in a pony tail! so what?! i got hott.. ok?
haha thats me.. my aunt was saying sumthing to my other aunt and it happens that my sister took the picture right when my aunt's finger was pointing to my boob.. ehh.. my sister thought it was funni?
sunday >> pool partii day
p.s. -- only half the people were there when we took pictures..
thats some of the people who participated.. (from left to right) me --picking my nose-- lol.. catherine.. ibis.. sean.. and gabe.. on the bottom.. felix
(left to right) me... doing some weird thing... catherine.. ibis.. sean.. gabe.. and felix
yeah.. every1 again.. and kim is there too..
(left to right) simon.. (ady's boyfriend.. ady (the birfday girl).. me.. catherine.. sean.. ibis.. gabe.. johan.. and the one laying across is kim (my sister)
yeahh... us again.. i think u know who every1 is by now..
i took more pictures.. and they were from the actual quince.. but they werent with my digital camera.. it was with a different one. ohh well!!!
ugh im bored. and i have to do a lil more homework! so ill talk to ya later! byee!! .`.