.=. ok this is gunna be a long entry... so yeahh.. juss warning ya..
i dont wanna write everything that happened cause ryte now im pooped. ill write what i can..
but on friday it was tess's b-day! shes finally 13! lol our birthday smear was awesome! the cheese! omg i almost got in trouble twice on friday! mr. kometic almost gave me a demarit cause nathan was cheating off my paper.. but i told nathan to take the blame for it.. cause it wasnt my fault! lol i didnt wanna get in trouble! and then the other one with mrs. depaula.. haha we skipped p.e. and started walking around.. we peeked in the window of the art room and started talking to kelli.. and mrs. d caught us.. we ran like fuccing CRAZII! lol it was soo funni! she was like "GET BACK HERE!"
then skewl pretti much ended.. and me, valeria, kelli, jaclyn, and kara went home with jullianne cause we were going to calinee! it was
SO much effin fun! first we changed at mrs. m's classroom. then went to wendy's and had a huge gossip fest! "thats my lollipop!" LOL then we went to target and got a whole buncha junk. then off to the office depot center. where a HUGE dragonfly landed on my
head! grr! well then we juss hung around and met up with joseph, kevin, and hartley. finally greg called kelli! awe it was soo cute! he like picked her up and gave her the biggest huge ive ever seen! it was adorible! then we juss chilled with the freshman.. and got free food from mrs. okonnel! ((she was working the consession stand)) then i met up with my cuz anj.. she told me to go sit at the sophmore section.. so there we were.. dressed in pink while every1 is in orange.. and we were cheering for the red! LOL so confuzing!.. omg there was so many people there! i recongnized like every1! lol. so then that was over. omg that was
sooooo much fun! DEFFINETELY going next year...
well then kara, me, vale, jules, kell, and jack went to dairy queen! "PA-PIII!!" haha. then vale left w/o getting ice cream! pchh crazii! well neways... then we all ate our blizzards and me and kara were making fun of the worker cause he like flipped it over.. "oouuu!" LOL!
then we all left.
saturday.. i woke up round 10.3o and called marisa.. then got readii for tess's and kara's partii! left round 12.1o and went to marisa's to pick her up. then we got to the beach. i took
TONS of millions of pictures. get readii!...
thats every1 on the beach!
kevin digging a hole.
kevin being dug in the hole.
haha... every1 making kevin's boobs big! he wanted to feel like a woman! LOL
the finished product...
haha we deserted him! they were gunna put bread on him so all the birds eat him alive.. but thats juss plain wrong! lol poor kevin! :o(
tess was kicking joey for no apparent reason?
tess and luke... so cutee!
hehe.. me and jac-a-leenie!
ciara!! she looks so cute in this picture! :oD
they had a playground and we decided to play in it! haha we are so immature! lol
me and austin...
me and kelli playing on the monkey bars! ;o)
me, kelli, and tess... tess wasnt looking...
good job tess!... b.e.g.!!!
me and kelli!
kelli and jack!
austin and gina... haha what losers!
tess and kara cutting their cake.
tess.. she got birthday smeared! haha!
we all got in a big circle and started telling stories...
....... yeahhh........
then the partii was over..
6 girls stayed.. 4 boys also stayed..
tess, kara, jaclyn, kelli, ciara, me
ian, jon, joey, austin
at the hotel room. kara's doing some funky thing with her butt... dont wanna kno! lol
now austin is doing the same thing! AHH! lol
DOG PILE! lol!
ciara, kelli, and me blowing kisses!
austin was sitting on tess... ??? ... lol weirdo.
we ordered pizza..
then we went to the jaccuzzi...
the weird lady that kept talking to us in the jaccuzzi... "this is FABULOUSSS!!" lol then that weird guy in the red shirt that hit on me! EW! lol "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" haha
ian got his first... yeahh.. and they left.
now the REAL partii starts!...
after they left we got silly string and went down to the beach and had a HUGEE war against each other! haha we were so f-ing hyper! so hilarious!
jaclyn hugging her silly string bottle... yeahh dont ask! we were high on caffine!
haha the sparklers! we had about 25 boxes of them! they were so much funn! it was like pitch black out on the beach!
we decided to have a sayonce... those things where u bring back the dead... i wanted to bring back marylin monroe! haha "MARYLIN MONROE AND HER SIXTH TOE!!!" lol dont ask.. kelli wanted to rhyme! LOL
us and our friggen sayonce... i think i almost shitted in my pants! then those two stupid mexicans had to come and laugh at us!
then we juss watched meet the fockers and fell asleep at like.. 12.45-ish.. we were SO tired! beach.. then running around the whole effin hotel.. yeahhh.. plus the parents took away our room key so we couldnt sneak out.. thats rellyy gay... even tho i get why. lol
me and kelli.. i have no idea what shes doing..
us in the morning..
our view from the hotel room.. prettyy!
tess acting like a skewl teacher.. lol
jaclyn acting retarded.. wait no, not acting...
me waiting for elevator.. my last ride down it.. my mommie was downstairs waiting for me cause i had to go to church with my grandparents..
us finally in the elevator.. lol i have no idea what we were laughing at?
us walking.. **so sad**
then it was over and i rode home with my mommie. got breakfast.. and went to church with my grandparents... my grandma's b-day was yesterday. so then after church we went to quince practice.. and then back to my house for dinner and cake! yumm!
well now i have to go.. i have to shower and do homework.. blehhh! bye byee! .=.
um i kno matt Lasales or sumthing like that, i think he goes there, i dont rly no him 2 well, hes my friends ex, and nicole (dunno her last name, she went out with buttons) i think she goes there 2 and theyre both in 8th, as for gina del-watever, lol no idk her is she in 8th?
take care now!
x0x Gaby