[[ omg this weekend has
flown by!!
well friday was awesome. it was field day. soo much fun. GO TOUGH COOKIES! haha that was our name... even tho we totally lost..
everything! soccer... tug of war.. football.. yeahh.. we suck. lol but it was soo much fun. all of us got soaked cause of the water-balloon toss! my mom was working the volley-ball thingy. and she was leaving and so she asked me if i wanted to go with her. so i said sure. and i asked tess and kelli if they wanted to come with me. but only kelli could come so we left at like 11 from skewl. then we went back to my house and my mom left. we were about to go tanning... but then this huggee cloud came so we juss ended up chilling in my room. then she left and like 2 hours later my mom took me to her house.
haha i got to talk to brian and his
adorible lil sister! lol i seduced him! soo funni. and then me and kell spent the rest of the time talking to andre on the fone. and looking at the moon..
trying to get dizzy.. lol. fun times.. then i left her house. came home and went to sleep.
i woke up today at like 10.15 cause of kelli. we got the tickets to the my chemical romance concert! hell yeahh!!! we are gunna have
SO MUCH FUN! eek! im so excited! well neways.. then i went bak to sleep and woke up again around 11.45 and marisa called me. she asked me if i wanted to go to the movies with her.. but first i had to clean. so i cleaned my room and then went to muvico with marisa, carla, marisa's family and marisa's neighbors. the parents went to see the interpretator.. or sumthing.. while me, marisa, and carla went to see fever pitch. omg it was such a cute movie! tomas and corey were at the theater.. but i dont think they saw me... haha marisa "count=5 times"! ADAM! i swear they were following us.. freaks!
well then we all went to coldstone's.. yuUuUumMmMm! so good! and then again.. ADAM! ahhh!!! scarryyy! haha "carla!.. juss say no!" lolol. then my mom picked me up and took me home. and i juss chilled at home.. fell asleep for a liddle.. and then my neighbor came over and asked me if i could baby-sit tonight.. i didnt have anything else to do.. so i said yeah. that was boring.. but thank god there was two adorible puppies that i entertained myself with. i have pictures!..
thats me and the pups...
awee! its monica! the smaller puppie!
thats cassie... the bigger puppie! marisa--thats the one that was amused with my fingers. and bit my thumb! lol
now i like juss got home from baby-sitting.. ugh it was soo boring.. but thankfully halfway through the lil brat fell asleep and i spent the rest of the time talking to marisa on the fone. got paid 25 bucks.. thats pretty good.. for doing absolutely nothing..
hmm.. tomaro im like supperrr busii.. i have my
LAST sunday practice! yayyy! its not the last practice.. but its the last sunday-practice.. i think next saturday is the actual quince.. so im almost done with this crap! YESSS! so neways.. after the practice.. which is gunna be from like 1 til 4... they are gunna have a dinner for all of us. so im not gunna get home til like later..
omg this whole week has been like a blurr to me.. its gone by
SUPER fast... i feel like its still wednesday or sumthing! goshes..
ugh.. i have like so much homework.. and ive only done like a smidge of it. so imma go do it.. blehh! talk to ya later... ]]
Cute diary.
I hope that it's not as bad as it sounds.