.=. omg ok hi! wow umm.. where to start?!
ok well.. on wednesday i saved a bird! long story but i found a bird that was like 4 hours old and it had fell outta its nest in my yard and it was like being eaten by ants.. so i took it in my house and i got all the ants off.. and i fed it and gave it water. but on thursday it died.. my dad said that it was cause of the impact of the fall.. it was only like 4 hours old! its eyes werent even opened.. thats how little it was. it was smaller than your palm!
so umm... thats what happened wednesday.. thursday we didnt have cheerleading clinics.. but i went over tess's house with kelli, valeria, jaclyn, kara, and mayela to practice. it was fun.
umm.. today was nothing new in skewl. our finals are coming up soon.. thats about it... ohh yeah! we got our yearbooks today!.. umm i personally hate the cover.. no offense to anybody out there.. its like a friggen campell soup can label type thing. its weird... but the inside looks pretty kewl with all the colors... omg the cheerleading picture looks absolutely herendous! ughh.. it was SOOO sunny that day! and im like squinting soo bad in the picture! i look awful! some people actually look good.. erica looks perfect.. and mayela doesnt look bad either! not faiiirr!
after skewl was our cheerleading tryouts. ughh i duno if i did good or bad. but im not trying to think about it too much.. cause the more you think about it.. the more stressed you get. and the more disappointed you get when you find out you didnt make it. i hope i made it. but if i didnt... its ok. ill be upset. but its not a matter of life and death..
after cheerleading tryouts we all had a huggeee water fight! lol ciara! and then after that me, kelli, tess, valeria, jaclyn, and kara went over to the parish hall to change for the play. we were there like an hour early so we told kelli's mom to get us pizza.. we were starving. so we ate our pizza and by the time we still had like 20 more minutes to wait. so we went and prayed at the church.. yeahh it sounds corney.. but we were praying for cheerleading. haha i burped! it was like DEAD silent.. and all of a sudden you hear **buurrrpp** hahaha... i didnt mean to! its not my fault we all had a can of soda with our pizza! soda gives me gas. lol
after our awesome prayer service we went and sat down at our table! table #9!!! we ordered our food.. it was goooddd stuff! lol. we sat at a table with.. me, kelli, tess, kara, jaclyn, austin, valeria, dylan d., jared g., and hartley. haha it was funnn.. ill never forget suess and that magnifying glass! hahaha soo funni. with the tape inbetween his glasses and everything. hahahaha... umm the play was awesome. my favorite character would have to be michael! haha he was soo funni!
umm then that ended and we all went back to kelli's house. it was me, kelli, tess, jaclyn, kara, ciara, dylan d., jared g., jon, austin, and kevin..... haha it was funn! we went to the park and went streaking.. lol fun funn! then we went back to kelli's house and watched secret window... hookups happened.. blah blahh blahhhh... uhh.. jon asked me out.. but i said no... i feel kinda bad. but i dont like him in that way... i dont relly like anybody in that way. i just like to flirt with people. lol
omg. we arent finding out who made cheerleading til monday, at 5.o0... im seriously trying not to think about it. but at one point and time im gunna flip out and get totally nervous! eek! this is torture!!!!!
hmm.. im relly tired. gotta go to bed. catch up on my ZzZ's.. ttul! byye! xoxo.steph .=.