<.- PaRtii TiMe -.>

|| well today was alright. nothing spechul happened.. cept that we had early release and it was spirit day! so then skewl ended and marisa came over. it was fun. we watched pretty woman and i fell asleep! :o) hehe. then marisa left and i started to get ready for gina's partii. yea yall can kno now that its over! then i went... at the partii...
thats me and gina! hehe the birfdaii girl!
tess, me, kelli.
heh. us getting freaky on the dance floor. literally.. freaky! lol
ciara, me, and francine! haha we look so high! i think we were around that bong too long! LOL
tess and me...
AWEEE!!! look at the two of them! they are soo cute together. :oD well what happened at the partii will remain.. well, at the partii.. so ill talk to ya later! byye || --sTePh
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funn party! :o)
aww thank you so much. You have no clue how much that meant to me!
