- - wow.. today was "Stephanie gets in trouble day". omg i rellyyy got in SOO much trouble! it all started in the morning when mrs. n came in and told every1 that had their shirt untucked to see her after skewl. so of course... i had my shirt untucked. so that was the first thing that happened. then later on we went to math and me and tess have drawing contests in there. so yeahh.. we were juss drawing random people and random things! lol. then we were talking about our dreams.. and tess drew her dream.. and i drew my "nightmare" of mrs. phoebus. lol. it was pretty much the same drawing from yesterday but this time she had her hands in claws. and yeaahh.. scaryy. lol. well neways. i drew it. and then showed it to tess. she passed it back and was cracking up. then i had to make some more wrinkles on her face. so i took it back out and started drawing again. then mrs. sheinfeld comes behind me and so i put it under my books. she asked me what it was and if she could see it. i told her no. and then she started counting.. "1..2..3.." (( god she treats us like babies!)) and so i gave her the note. then after class she told me to come and see her after skewl for detention. and so i juss said ok! and walked away. THEN in spanish mrs. debs told me to unroll my skirt and go to the office to take off my nailpolish.. so i took off my nail polish and then mrs. carney told me to take out my second hole and to pull up the socks and to take off my makeup.
ughh thank god i didnt get caught for all the other stuff i did. i mean.. i was chewing gum.. i had a necklace on.. and during science me and tess SHOULD have gotten in trouble. but we didnt.. hehe
yeahh.. during science we were all juss decorating the room for the under the sea project.. and so he told me, tess, kara, and jaclyn to go down and get sand from the garden... ohh yeah.. mayela came too....
so newwayyss... tess was hungry.. so she wanted a cookie from the cafeteria... and so she pulled me along with her. and so like all the sixth graders were like in there.. and so there were no cookies.. so tess got a chocolate cake. all the sixth graders were like "why are u in here!? ur not allowed to eat in class!" so yeah whatever.. we went to the garden... hiding the cake from the teachers. and then we finished the cake --yuumm!-- and tess was still hungry. at first she wanted another cake.. but then she got monzerella sticks instead.. so i took one.. and it was all milky inside. gross. so i spit it in the trash.. and yet again the sixth graders started bugging us. lol. then we had to dash to the door cause mrs. g and mrs. jans were staring at us. lol and we had to hide the monzerella sticks from the teachers again.. we went into the garden and no one was there! THEY LEFT US! so we decided to go back upstairs but first we had to get rid of the sticks! thank goshes eileen and sam came walking down the hallway. we gave the sticks to them and went upstairs, and sneaked into the classroom. lol then me and jaclyn were playing with the door. and tess started singing the oliver and company song. "u and me, together.." yeah whatever.. so i was outside the door and the door was opened a liddle. and so u could hear tess. and then outta nowhere mrs. n comes outta the elevator and stares at me. i was acting weird so she prolly thought it was me that was singing that! in the middle of the hallway.. all by myself.. YEAHHH!! all the embarrassing stuff always happens to
me!!! NOT FAIR! yeahh that was about the funnest science class ever..
well neways.. then in religion i fell asleep twice. ugh so boring!
then we had to pack up.. and so we did. mrs shienfeld gave me a copy of the note with a demarit attached to it. she said that i had to do my hour detention tomaro with mr. kometic. so yeahh.. now my mom has to sign the note or whatever.
look.. this is it.. lol
thats the note.. its a photo-copy.. so its blurry.
close up.. it says GET ON TASK!!! lol
my demarit.. hehe...
well yeah.. then mrs. n called all of us out and told us to go in mr. kometic's room. there was ALOT of people with detention today! but it wasnt soo bad.. it was only 15 minutes.. today.. tomaro is a different storyy!!
well neways.. then i tried to look for marisa.. but she was nowhere to be found! so i had to go into the office.. and call her. mrs. carney asked why i had detention and i told her.. she told me it juss wasnt my day. and then she asked about what i had in my hand.. --i was holding the demarit..-- and i showed her the demarit.. but not the note. i showed mrs. okonnel the note and she laughed. then jared was looking at it cause george took it from me and mrs. claudio asked to see it. :o$ ahh.. i was so afraid she was gunna yell at me.. but all she did was make a face! thank god. lol. so then mrs. colucci came and picked me up.. and informed me that my mom already knew.. so i couldnt hide it from her.
then i came home and called my mom to tell her about it... since she already knew. she actually took it well.. she didnt care. but she juss said not to do it again.. and if i did.. to be more secretive about it. :o) hehe. i x3 my mommy!
now i have to go.. cause imma do some stuff for tess's b-day!!! hehehee.. BYEE!! - -
te quiro mucho, (( for all u gringos.. that means i love you. ))