
Listening to: Your MOM!
Feeling: bleh
____YOUR LIFE____ [x] they call me: Tara, Tibby, F.A.T [x] also: ^^ [x] sex: female [x] my first breath of air: July 15th,1989 [x] age: 16 [x] status: Taken [x] occupation: your mom [x] nationality: USA [x] best homegirl[s]: Krysten, & Katie ____REWIND____ [x] most memorable memory: being scared of Katies horses..and then having horse sweat all over my bum [x] worst?: falling for someone who didnt love me back. [x] first word uttered: good question! [x] first bestfriend ever!?: Katie Laneville ____FAST FORWARD____ [x] college planning to go:Colorado Technical University...heck yes..Foensic Science Technician here I come! [x] wedding: uhh...short...reception..HUGE [x] children: 2, boy then girl [x] looking forward to thanksgiving: nope...I just get fat..who could look forward to that? [x] NOT looking forward to: school! ____PLAY____ [x] feeling: sore and bored [x] Listening: Keith Anderson [x] Talking: K'Lynn(my sis) [x] doing: what do you think idiots? this survey of course [x] craving: your mom? [x] thinking of: my baby! [x] hating: stupid people! ____LOVE?____ [x] love is: good while it lasts. [x] first love: Clint [x] current love: uhh my baby! Tim [x] love or lust?: uhh not sure [x] best love song: Have You Ever by Brandy [x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person @ the same time?: yepp...sure is ;) [x] when love hurts, you: cry,and hide from the one that I love [x] true or false - all you need is love: thats crazy..yes you need love..but you need more than just that! [x] have you ever been in love?: yes [x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: of course ____THE OPPOSITE SEX____ [x] turn ons: smile, sence of humor, eyes, the way they make me feel! [x] turn offs: bad teeth, breath, stupid laugh [x] does your parents' opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: depends [x] what kinda hair style?: uhh doesnt matter. [x] where do you go to meet new people?: uhh the park [x] are you the type of person to holler n ask for numbers?: yepp! ____PICKY PICKY____ [x] dog or cat: aww..BOTH [x] short or long hair: long [x] innie or outie: innie [x] sunshine or rain: rain [x] moon or sun: moon [x] basketball or football: basketball [x] righty or lefty: righty [x] hugs or kisses: hugs [x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: 10 acquaintances [x] bf/gf or best friend:BEST FRIEND [x] tv or radio: radio [x] starbucks or jamba juice: YUCK [x] mc donalds or burger king: burger king [x] summer or winter: Summer [x] written letters or e-mails: written letters [x] playstation or nintendo: neither [x] disney or nickelodeon: disney [x] car or motorcycle: motorcycle [x] house party or club: club [x] sing or dance: both [x] freak or slow dance: slow [x] yahoo messenger or aim: aim [x] google or ask jeeves?: google ____MISCELLANEOUS____ [x] can you swim?: yep sure can [x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: I am not telling! [x] what are you scared of?:spiders, snakes, and BIG HORSES [x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: pshk [x] what kinda roof is over your head?: a black one [x] do you like tomatoes?: umhumm [x] how many TVS in the house?: 4 [x] how many phones?: 1 regular, 2 cells [x] how many residents?: 6 [x] how many DVDs do you have?: Do you have to ask? like 5000 [x] last dentist visit: a couple months ago [x] last doctor visit: begginning of school softball [x] last phone call: Right now...TIM! so there it is! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! Image hosted by |Tara| --------------------------------------- Krysten, Katie, Tim...I LOVE YOU!'re awesome!
Read 14 comments
ahhh, thats coolioz! i was pitcher once and i got hit in the chest... and was knocked out for like 30 seconds. i thought i was dead. LMFAO and i've never played for a team since... LOL i should get back into it.
i have both! bwuahahaha but i go on aim more than any other messenger. my sn for aim is m2k3sw33tluv2m3
i didnt leave you those comments about your crusty guy underwear. im not even sarcastic on this one, hmm okay bye.
you have MSN? me too
there. i added you

ANDDDD.. i'm stealing ur survey u got on there. lol just thought i would let you kno, i havent done of them in a hot MINUTE! :P did i ask how ur summer was going? LOL... *short term memory loss* plus i am just slow so work with me here ahaha
1898 wow your old.. hehe

aww! that's a cute kitty in your pic. i love cats ♥
yew small girl with no eyebrows, whaddafuck?
what makes you think im kidding?
no shit! im missin ya like crazy...

so howz bout you update!
if you love me you will=D
wow u took a quiz amazing thats so cool..yeah u think ur will share th awsomness..latter