
Listening to: nero-choices
Feeling: spacey

i'm decalring world peace.

we're at world war three. I'm starting world peace one.

packing my house. moving, out into the wops. closer to where i belong.
and as i empty old boxes and find old things, i'm set upon by old memories.

and i let them come, and i love them. and i let them go. and i love them.
stuff is not the essence of the memory, only a reminder.
i've been throwing stuff out, giving it away but the memories i'll keep.

"One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you only sweeter"

who's feeling time, who's feeling lost. the vibrations of the planet are shifting, for those who listen.

the people are waking up, the system is coming down. i'm stocking up on ammo and fish hooks.(who am i kidding, i'm always stocked up on ammo and fish hooks)

find your peace, you reader you. find it and don't relinquish it for any man, for any government, for any price. love and peace will be the new way, people have been at war too long. too long divided. too long trapped by boundaries, rules, governance.

borders are created in the minds of men. division is created in the minds of men. we are all of the earth and to the earth will we all return.

gods peace to all

_ra 1549|021011

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