{91} admit two

i dont feel like i was in the wrong. i was just trying to have an open and honest relationship. i want it to work. i really do. i love him. id do anything for him. i dont want him to change. altho a wise friend reminded me that if you are truly in love then you will change no matter what for that person. i agree. all im asking is to look over your priorities. you always complain about how people think your a fuck up. i dont. i see all the potential in the world in you. i know you want to do well for yourself. your just not sure how. i want to help. im offering my help. you have to want it. you need to just focus on doing well in school, trying harder to get a job to help out around the house, and start righting the wrongs you have commited over the last couple months. there are more things in life than getting high everyday, or wondering how folded your about to be on the weekend. this is your chance to show people that you arent how they think you are babe. as far as us, we need help. i know i have things i need to work on, but so do you. you have to want this relationship. you cannot half ass this. i wont let you. i put everything i have into my relationships. im not sure this is what you want yet. you still have growing up you need to do. so do i. i need someone that wants to settle down. that sees this going to other levels. that is willing to be committed. i think you just like that feeling that someone is there. i know what that is like, ive been there. but its not fair to the other person. i love you. i dont question that. but you need to decide what it is that you want. and need in your life. hopefully you will see that it is me. this will take two to work. im willing to fight for this. i love you
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