
Feeling: broken-hearted
This stupid shit messed up this huge entry I just put in. Well time to start over. I just got back from North Carolina today. The car ride was six hours back to Jacksonville and it sucked.The highlight of the day was when I saw a turd hanging off the wall at a McDonalds bathroom,that was pretty funny.The only thing that saved that long boring car ride was the addition of my friend Preston to the mix we listened to music and whatnot all the way back.We stopped at a mall in georgia and guess what they didnt have a fucking music store so I was really forkin pissed because that is all I wanted to do at the mall.Georgia blows from what I have seen of it.Anyway we got back and I went upstairs and checked my e-mail and my best friend e-mailed me and told me this stuff happened yesterday and I felt really bad about it because I wasnt there to help her, kinda depressing, anyway she im'd me and I tried to help but I was too late which brought me down even lower and then I was talking and I was forced to leave so that again made me feel even worse about the whole situation and when I came back I was glad to see that she was still on so we got talking and I apoligized about it and I was starting to feel better and then I was forced to get off the computer, which took me lower than I was before. Then the stereo decided to get stuck in repeat on the song in this river which is depressing, do you see god hates me or at least thats the way it seems sometimes,and anyway now I have this very large urge to listen to In This River hmmmmmm........I am now stuck pondering the transcience of some relationships whether it be significant other relationships or friendship relationship it matters not.I thought for a moment today about what it would be like to lose my best friend and it hurt and I was really scared about the whole thing so I made a vow not to let that happen I am now again listening to In This River.Yay.Sarcasm is not very effective here is it? Wow I just realized there is a conection in the song I am listening to and what I said about being scared of losing my best friend Zakk is talking about Dime, who was his best friend, being taken from him, I really must be tired if I just now realized that well ttyl.
Read 21 comments
you need to update a lot more often, so the comments wont pile up so much. i've never seen someone get so many comments, i dont even have that many in all of mine. put together. geez, oh well, i've noticed that guys tend to get more comments on this site than chicks do. wierd but, true, i've seen it.
thanks, i think the dress sounds cool, i just hope it turns out as cool as it looks in my head, and feel better, start singing "tomorrow" or something, wait, that song is depressing, in its own way it is, hard to explain unless you jump in my head, well anyway, feel better hon, and dont forget taht i am getting dsl on the 29th and then people can call me and get through on my phone line, so if you need to talk to someone, i am here.
yeah sure hun i will add you (muah x)ttyl :)
hey dude awsome friggin diary i friggin love it thanx for the comment you seem cool keep in touch dont be a stranger k ttyl :)
hey. i read about that girl who is making her own prom dress. it sounds like it is going to be pretty awesome!

i don't remember how to put a picture at the top...ask around though and someone will know.
You fucking BITCH! i would give anything to be in a pit at a slayer concert. I always pass out! haha its so fun! also if you ask guys to let you sit on their shoulders and they bend down and then yo climb over their heads to get to the front...well thats if its too packed to weave in and out of people
i'm not sure about how to get an image as a header... mine is just a layout.. sure you can add me. thanks. i'll ad you right back

Random comment.
But you commented on my friend's site and I was intrigued by your username.
yeah i hate it. ha, you saw a turd hanging on the wall? thats halarious
wow, that would've sucked...Ur friend was troubled and u weren't around to help, and she was a close friend as well...I hope u feel better soon....
yeah. you can get some pretty cool stuff from there. my sister bought her eighth grade graduation dress from ebay for only $10 and it was awesome!
Oh sure dude :] thanks. I will add you too coz your equally as cool as me! haha
I know dude! Talk about disrespect!
Who says we kill that guy who left you the anonymous comment saying pantera suck dick?!
i dont know... they are just all a little too wierd for comfort, and that's saying something.
i dont know. they are all horrifying in different ways. they all hide from me. i can't seem to find the gun
coolness..yeah..I went to Metallica/Godsmack in was cool
Why yes, you are quite right, but weird isn't exactly the word, it's kinda stuck in between eccentric and peculiar
Billy Corgan = Weird Guy? :O well, yeah, I can see that but there's several reasons to it, whats ur explaination? :P lol, I'm just curious...