I Dont Have A Title For This

Listening to: Megadeth - Trust
Feeling: victorious
Ha I wanted to put another entry on for a long time but I cant very often so.... well I guess I will start with July 4th well I woke up and had to work for a three hours anyway I got done with that at about eight and I had to take a shower because I had to go to the parade in Interlachen, well I met up with a fellow musician and friend Steven Dockery and we hung out for a while until it was time for me to go see my ex-girlfriend (Kassie) in the colorguard performance, then Steven and I were going to hang out and all that but my mom all of a sudden said that I was going to Kassies house which was quite wierd, anyway over there we really only watched a couple of movies and played hide and seek YAY can you feel the sarcastic vibe? anyway My mom picked me up at like 8:00 or something to that extent and we rode with my uncle and soon to be Aunt back to Interlachen, for the fireworks, but when I got there I saw Sylvia so I walked off with her and I didnt pay any attention to the fireworks, because it was so fing awesome to see her, back to normality, we wandered around for awhile and she had the unpleasure of meeting my mom and her boyfriend and my soon to be aunt and uncle anyway, she said she would take me home, so after we started to leave I told her I would give her a couple of dollars for gas so we stopped and got gas, and she took me to her house, and I saw her room and shit but her mom said she would meet me another time and anyway she took me home and she talked to matt on the way there and I had no earthly clue what they were talking about so I just spaced out for awhile, anyway Sylvia didnt realize how far it was from her house, which I only live eight miles from Lachtown but yeah she lives decently far from there in the opposite direction so you know, the next time she comes she is going to come inside, it was to late this time, anyways, I fell asleep shortly after I got home, JULY 5, well early I woke up to my moms fiancee knocking on my door and Kyle was on the phone back early from N.C. that was cool so I ended up getting to his house at like 1:00 and we played for a while and of all people Sylvias ex boyfriend Jesse showed up and that was kinda ironic and I wanted to tell her right when I saw him but obviously I couldnt, anyway we all hung out and then Andrew came over and we played a couple of songs and hung out a lot of the time David couldnt show because of prior engagements, well I was supposed to stay the night but well Kyle seems to do that a lot lately, I had to catch a ride home with andrew and it was cool because we got to know each other a little better, and I went to bed.JULY 6, I have worked on my stupid ass book project for a long time now I HATE THIS CRAP well thats all I really have to say for now buh bye.
Read 8 comments
yeah. my best friend is in california. music is god.
wooness!! july 4th...awesome...july 5th...wierd...the 6th yeah that project thing blows major ass chunks. lol. oh and i'm telling you this again becuase i cant stress it enough...Stay Away From Kassie as much as you can. i still think you could have gotten out of it....you know why....because i like milkshakes. yah yah so i should be able to see you next week sometime. i dunno when im going back to see muh dad. but i'll be back before the movie.
Thanks so much dude. I need all the support I can get right now. Its nice to have friends like you. Thankyou..it means alot.
yep casts sucks and god loves me so much i have to wair another one but its all good wellll thanks for the comment hun ttyl dude te he :)
I haven't been in America for ages, so I've forgotten, what the hell is July 4th?
yeah i got bored and shoved a ruler down my throat! lol damn the things i do when im bored are insane.

want a blow job? lol
bugger..even if you dont have anything to say. just make another entry. for crying out loud. you get too many comments...i'm jealous.
haha rock on !
