lol, u should see my picture on the page Zombies, its weirder than urs! but na, I don't have yahoo, but I do have AOL and MSN so yeah, lol

awwwwwww you actually remmembered me wow tehe so yeah you have not talked to me in a while but dont sweat it i know everybody has things to do so yeah well ttyl my buddy :)
not that picture, come on, save the world from you molesting your guitar, and i know we havent talked in a while, you should call me, becaue if i have your number i dont know where it is.
yes of course i do, stynkiemac , like everything else.
no wonder your still a virgin
haha, funny picture, now i'll just have to send it to everyone i know...loljk. i woudlnt do that. GET ON!
dime bag sucks ass. pantera is one of the most god awful bands. i'm glad he died. i wish people would just get over that fat fuck. HE IS D-E-A-D. :)