More reasons why I think people should be killed

At what point did society say it was okay to aim low? If it was on the news would someone please inform me because my TV was stolen by my parents. It seems to me that there’s a massive push to “know” yourself and to “love” who you are. Well isn’t that empowering? You only used to hear stuff like that in a Hallmark card; which was usually dedicated to the terminally ill. This pathetic attempt to boost the national confidence of people is becoming an increasingly good excuse not to do anything to improve. God! How can people be so easily manipulated?! I mean really, this kind of mentality dates back to the “Great Chain of Being” theorem. A theorem put in place to remind the lowly peasant that he couldn’t change anything because he is at the bottom. Now we don’t have to change anything because, we don’t “have to”, we “love” who we are. It’s not alright to love yourself, you’re a terrible person and you amount to nothing! Worried about self-esteem? Well too bad! Earn some of that when you’ve changed into a better person! That’s the whole point of growing up, to change into a better person. Even sociologist say the growing experience never ends, guess that means you’re never going to be a better person if you don’t keep changing. Are you afraid to lose your identity? I think identity is a bunch of pretentious bullshit endorsed by the media to make you buy a particular type of clothing in order to reinforce that unique identity you posses. Accept change you stagnant turd, it’ll do you some good! I’m also getting tired of movies where a super intelligent computer goes berserk and tries to kill all of humanity. After about 20 years, I thought this idea would be considered at least some what over done. However to my dismay and ultimate depreciation of human life; we continue to produce a movie about a bleak future, ruled by machine oppressors who have nothing better to do than rid the planet of our existence. I ask why? I makes little to no sense to me. This supposedly cognizant and logical master of processing should actually be grateful of its life. I mean if it weren’t for us, it wouldn’t exist. To put a more human perspective, try picturing yourself killing your parents and their parents and their parents, if their still alive. After these strange twists of nature to kill you’re creator, you suddenly realize that it’s not just your parents fault for your existence but all of human kind. Now you’re on for a bloody rampage of purging this world of the only reason you exists. How about instead of killing them, you try the crazy idea of thanking them? I mean you could just as easily not exist given the probability that you’d have to be organized in such a manner to create you specifically. But Dan, how can you say what a machine would think? Well besides the fact that people can’t think out side they’re own paradigm, thus proven by your question, how can you expect man to create something that doesn’t think like him? Well if that’s not proof enough, how about the proof that man is unlikely to create something better than he is, because he values himself above all others. This is perfectly illustrated by how we worship God, an ingenious ploy to worship you without being labeled arrogant. Another thing, how many creatures on this planet would deliberately place them in danger to make a stronger and possibly more efficient creature to dominate over them? I don’t think any creature to date has done so willingly. The biggest thing I can’t stand as of this moment is labels. Sure they’re a spectacular way of identifying any given object. However in the overall scheme of things it limits our possibilities. For example, you can just about call any mineral you want a rock and it will be accept. But for the more educated rock fanatics you have to be more specific. However eventually you get down to a basis an end of specification as they share enough about their physiological similarities to call them under the same name. Now it is a rarity indeed to find the exact same thing in nature. So why is it that we are more willing to specify to the person who we are, but nothing else? Simply answered, we are arrogant and pompous. To a greater surprise we don’t actually specify to the person. We label and assert an idiosyncrasy to people so we can understand them without the arduous task of conversing with them. Lazy isn’t just an adjective, I think it’s the proper title to the entire human race. I think we should petition to change the name once again! I think we should call ourselves Lazy. We can all be part of the Lazykind and appeal to Lazianity. It too doesn’t discriminate against gender or ethnicity. Hurray for us Lazykind! My last and possibly final request for this evening is for teenagers to stop writing terrible poetry about the woes and turmoil of life. There’s nothing more irritating than an amateur or even a professional to write a truism in the form of a depressing, morbid and sorrowful poem. By writing a poem of the arduous task of living your daily life, you’re effectively painting a picture that you’re without a doubt, stupid. This is because of the easily identifiable fact that life wasn’t made to be easy. You’re in constant competition with someone or something that wants it more than you do. So of course life is going to be hard, that is hardly a reason to write terrible poetry in expectance to get shallow feedback that some how this piece of garbage, hardly worth the title of literature, is going to validate your life. There are only two circumstances in the known universe where you can write about how shitty life is. Case one; you’re a vampire bored of immortality. This is clearly a fantasy as is the legitimacy of calling what the vampire wrote “poetry”. Case two; there is no case two, and for that matter there is no case one. So there is no justification for what you do, you should be ashamed of yourself for even entitling what you vomit onto paper or a blog, as poetry. Its times like these I’m happy we haven’t made contact with intelligent beings. Given the state of our species and some of our greater achievements, like flashy lights in the soles of shoes; I hope no other creature in this universe has the unpleasant experience of “encountering” us. Any that already have, probably avoided first contact with the idea that “stupid” was a contagious disease ready to plague their civilization too.
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