[+.And I Will Rule.+]

[+.And I Will Rule.+] Be fair warned: this is long and vain. Love it or hate yourself. 'What she fails to warn is the impending seizure you will experience from her atrocious writing.' I fucking LOVE ignorant people. So much. 'You’ll find this statement rather amusing if you manage to sift through her incoherent and abrasive use of commas.' If you couldn't feel it, my sense of sarcasm in that last sentence was fucking SKYROCKET height. 'Take a deep breath, you’re about to plunge into a chaotic pool of words teeming with stupid.' People who feel the need to say idiotic things to me everywhere i go. Or behind my back... are so beyond below me it's hard to even swallow. I am God compared to them, and they don't realize it. They are kissing my feet by saying their ignorant shit. They are paying me attention. They are feeding me what i need to strive. Drama does nothing to me. It's just something insignificant that people seem to like to stir up for some unimportant reason that i could really care less about. I'm apathetic towards all of this. I have no trust towards no other human being. I expect the worse from their pathetic ways no matter what. For that is the way to go about people. They just don't realize where they are and how high i am compared to them. Quite sad. 'If I ever wanted to know what a concussion felt like, reading that paragraph is experience enough for me; I think I’m bleeding from my ear. It’s people like her that need to be beaten with the dictionary 40-50 times and then introduced to a volley of high-velocity encyclopedias. Just wait till you see what she says about God. It boomerangs back into her face, leaving her ego maimed and useless.' Conceided? No. I just know my level of authority over beings who are smaller than me. It's a foodchain. And we all know it. We just don't all know where exactly we are at in the little [or shall i say Big ?] cycle. I'll spell it out for you.(HA! You couldn’t spell your way out of a paper bag) We have the stupid, stupid, stupid, people at the bottom who follow some being in which they cannot see nor feel. They live their whole lives in fear of going to hell because some big God-like-entity judges them. They are living their whole entire lives in fear! That's such a horid way to live. They are all so hypocritical and sad it makes me gag. They do their wrong doings. And ask for forgiveness by this invisable being. I don't understand why people cannot see the utter INSANITY in this cycle. They do everything they can to serve this all-seeing-spirit, just to die. And then after they die? That's it. It's over. They just wasted their whole life on nothing. Trying to please something nonexistant.. Lovely way to live, isn't it? Not really. 'Who’s smaller than a 15 year old girl endowed with half the cognizant thought of a retard? I’m surprised you haven’t lynched on your own hypocrisies. To be completely oblivious to your own hypocritical writing and not even be aware of it, must take some level of ignorance I wasn’t previously aware off. Now that she’s done bashing religion you logically assume that a lower category she qualifies will appear randomly in her essay. Since order and structure aren’t her forte.' Then we have people who do what they want. But they cease to do so when they realize they can just be in a crowd, and follow trends, and do what others do! They get accepted into their own little clan and they follow eachother around doing mindless bullshit. They incessantly tease and torture people who don't look or act like them. If someone isn't as capable as being as completely stupid as they are, they do not accept them and make life hell for them. [Hell. See a pattern at all?] Their trends and their fellow clique members are their own God. Which makes them fit into the first group pretty much. But they aren't following something they can't see which is better than the first crowd therefore eating them. But it's not that much higher above them, believe me. But all in all, they live their childhood and teen years doing the same exact thing everyone else does. Following their little trends. Doing what makes others happy. They get older. Die unhappy. They did not a THING worth mentioning. That's it. What a fucking failure of a life. 'I’m not following her lo…oh right, she doesn’t have logic. Does she really think by not following a trend she’s being unique? What about all the other losers who follow the trend of not following trends? Sounds like a clique to me. I can’t deny her credibility for knowing failure in explicit detail. She must experience it on a daily basis. It’s probably the only concrete evidence she has.' Then. My favorite. 'I can’t wait; my stomach churns with pain in anticipation.' So we have this crowd. Usually the smartest of the cycle. [Realize i'm talking in general. 'lord' knows i'm not speaking of everyone. You always have the incessant beings that just can't fit into one of these groups. Could be good or bad.] So they live our childhood. And they live our teen years. They're teen years kind of make them who they are now because of that second crowd. They grow so fucking strong because of it. Some fall short. But most, they become better people because of stupid shit they go through. Stupid shit adds up into big shit; remember. Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill though, okay? If your teased, it doesnt make you better than everyone. Don't get that out of this. Hopefully your getting something so much bigger. Think outside of the box and realize i am all powerful in this situation. We are LIVING in a hell right now. When we die there will be nothing. This here. Right now. Is what everyone is fearing. And i would too if i were as unintelligent as everyone else. I realize there is NO God but myself. I am my own God. I am far more stronger than anything invisable could ever be. I am smarter than the average person who follows everyone else. I am my own being. I fucking eat both groups in one bite. Bon appétit . 'Forget the dictionary, let’s upgrade to a piece of heavy mining equipment. Just when you think she can’t possibly extract any more nuggets of garbage from her ass. Whammy! She introduces you to the concept of already living in Hell because life sucks oh so much and there can’t possibly be an afterlife. You should believe her too, I mean she clearly states that she’s far more stronger than anything invisable[sic]. Infallible logic like this doesn’t come around every century; she might be the next Aristotle.' Your a mindless incessant being who is nothing but a spec on the radar of life. No one will care about you. You will die a Zero. 'Incessant you say? I had no idea you thought every mindless being to be continual or never-ending. This goes against your immortality excerpt doesn’t it? You clearly stated above that we do end. “Nothing” is better used to describe what you know, not the people you hate.' By: Stealmywords All words are her own and kept in their entirety; I have made no changes to her grammar or spelling. All text contained with '' is my attempt to explain to you the reader what I was thinking after that portion of writing. In summary, I’ve had more coherent thoughts shit faced on St. Patrick’s Day, then she’s had during her latest epiphany.
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