Goths make me sick

I figure it's about time I insulted someone's way of living since I haven't done it in a while, today I chose Goths. Not one the dominating subcultures to reek havoc on teenage society, but a nuisance none the less. Let’s begin by looking at where Goth was derived from; initially it was a nomadic warrior tribe of Germans, i.e. the Visigoths. These fearsome warriors were one of the many barbaric tribes that crippled and eventually destroyed Rome's great empire. One would think that taking a name like Goth would be to inspire fear, and respect. Unwittingly teenagers have disgraced that meaning, now its shroud with an atmosphere of sorrow and an interest in the morbid. It has also been utilized to display the person's underlying issues in his or her life, almost like putting a big neon sign above their head saying,” I have issues and don't know how to deal with them, give me attention!". Yet another mockery of a once hilarious but bad ass style in the past. Goths in many ways are like punks in fashion, but they pussify it with their complete lack of confidence, and the hypocrisy of wanting to be unique by taking on a stereotypical appearance of a teenager with issues. Punks knew they were a group and knew they were a group of bad asses ready to beat the crap out of anyone who got in their way. Goths will just make you feel dirty for not helping them when you pass them by in the halls. The worse of the crop would have to be males; they do more disgrace to the Goth image by mixing the two Goth ideas together. They adorn spiky wear and make up, in an attempt to be intimidating while still having deep underlying issues, way to go genius you just made crap, crappier. Two things to improve for an amazing Goth, turn the make up into war paint with real gothic tribal designs and two stop being a pussy, everyone has issues be a man and deal with it. Another massive hypocrisy of the gothic idealism is this idolization of vampires, mythological speaking another fearsome and powerful creature demanding of respect. If you want people to be afraid of you stop acting so God damn weak, speaking of God you only seem like an idiot when you blasphemy his inexistence and praise Satan's, it'd be like believing in Santa’s wife but not him. Get your beliefs at least somewhat sensible you stupid peasants! Lastly, the most disgusting and filthiest part of Goths is masochism. A wholly unnatural fixation of hurting yourself and enjoying it. there's only one other animal that comes to mind that even comes close to the idiocy and that is the lemming. Lemmings are also known as "nature's retard". These creatures when on a stampeded will run off a cliff unknowingly to their deaths. Lemmings incase you didn't know are small rodents that probably have the killing power equivalent to a leaf blowing in the wind. If Goths were in competition with this creature I'd say it was a close call who’s the most retarded. However, Goths still technically being human and not monsters of a retarded world, bring their overall score even lower (hurray Goths your the winners of something I guess), since being human they should know better. Well that's a good summary why Goths are stupid parasites leeching the respect and decency that other teenagers deserve and strive for. One last bit of advice for Goths; be a real one or go kill yourself, stop tormenting us with your loud and annoying presence.
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