Stop Thinking!

I was peacefully enjoying my day when suddenly I was assaulted by a commercial that specifically told me to stop thinking. Never have I seen a commercial that was so honest to tell you what they actually want without all the brain washing and ass rapping. But the warm fuzzy feeling of honesty subsided when the cold troubling truth hit me in the face like a sac of bricks. People are becoming so stupid, that they no longer need all that irritating brain washing and manipulating to be told how to think. This has inspired a world wide genocide that I would embrace with all my heart. However, here is a small and modest list of people who should have their lives aborted immediately. My first group of low life’s that should be strangled in front of their children; are these spiritual hippies who think we can all get alone. Give peace a chance. What a crock a shit, can you believe the garbage coming out of these peoples mouths? Last time I checked war has been the prevailing catalyst for good advancements in technology. Conflict paves the way for change; would women ever get rights if they didn't fight for it? Not likely! If you feel they wouldn't have needed to fight for it, if men weren't so domineering, you’re wrong. If men weren't so domineering and aggressive, the human species would just be pushed out of existence like every other spineless pussy animal that's existed on this planet. Promote progress; say yes to War and Conflict! These hippies are also the reason why so many people hate George Bush. Today most people hate George Bush for one of three reasons. One, they're jumping on the band wagon because it's the popular thing to do today if you want to see like a pseudo-intellectual with strong opinions. Don't you just want to drag these people out into a cold and dark forest to be disemboweled with a wooden cooking spoon? Next there are those timeless hippies again who hate him for his warmongering attitude. Why not just hate every leader or politician in existence, you narrow-minded apes! You hate society so much go live in your natural world, find out how much caring it has in return for you when you get mauled and rapped by an angry bear. Lastly, these are the people who I can respect and appreciate for hating Bush. They hate Bush for his total lack of military knowledge and how to effectively use this war to promote a healthy economy. Further more his propaganda to justify it is appalling. Hiding your true cause for war only creates civil revolt. He should have focused on making the enemy to be evil and that the oil could be better serviced and distributed in America's control. Speaking of Bush, I hope he gets an inoperable tumor at the base of his spine. Along with his corporate masters that pull his strings and give him a banana after every speech. Stupid republican bureaucrats, think their so high and mighty. Here are more parents that had medical plans that should have included abortion. The pretentious cock-sucking white upper class republicans who think they own the world; smoking their big brown cigars, living the high life. This is just what this world needs, a fat shallow white guy, sucking on a big brown dick. I take solace in the fact that smoking promotes cancer of the lungs and mouth, goes nice with a cell phone doesn’t it. Well you keep taking in those lovely carcinogens, take that right into your fat hollow shell and blow it out your ass! Here's another pack of miscreants that have been let loose on society that should be nailed to a crucifix upside down. These interweb nerds who talk all big because they beat you at a trivial game meant to challenge small children. You find a lot of these cocky losers playing Halo, or Counter-Strike. Many of which are fat slobs obsessed with everything Japanese, or emaciated pseudo-intellectuals who think the universe of star wars isn't as far, far away as lead to believe. It's in their room surrounding them as collectible dolls and models. Why are they like this you may ask? My answer is they've given up all concepts of real skill and reality to take on a fantasy where they have -as trivial as it is- some respect and talent. They always live far away and never tell you where they live because if they did, good chance they would be found, as I said earlier, nailed to a crucifix upside down. I can't go on anymore; I’m about to burst an artery
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