Fucking Disgusted (revised)

What is God waiting for? Throughout history society has hit lows that could only be described as a “fall of an empire”. That’s the latest euphemism historians’ use for the absolute corruption of society. If God was ever waiting for a good time to bring about the apocalypse and let loose the 4 horsemen, now would be that time. There is a small modest list of special people that should be privileged with a personal visit as a precursor to doomsday. The first group of simple minded people that should be penciled in for an immediate visit are the people that applaud after a movie has finished. Where the fuck do these pretentious cock suckers get off to think they’re going to communicate with light? Fuck you! If your going to applaud after a movie stay home. That way you only bother your family with your chimpanzee motor skills. The history of the clap can easily be traced back as the tattered remains of when people actually did theater live. You would applaud if the actors performed flawlessly or seemed too. In a movie, there is no need for applause. The actors are always going to perform flawlessly; they could do as many takes as they wanted. The reel jockey in the back doesn’t deserve any applause either. The sole purpose of that pimply loser is to put the fucking movie on. Challenging shit! But I digress, more about the idiot clappers; well the clapper. Did you ever notice? It only takes one supreme idiot leader to get the other idiots to clap with him. In theaters, before the movie starts, I try and find the leader. This way at the first sign that he’s going to clap I throw a cumbersome object at his head. Most of the time the clean up crew call an ambulance for him, but not too often as the staff is generally pretty lazy. On the subject of zealous movie goers, I wish all the anal retentive super geeks would just spontaneously combust. They don’t need a personal visit from the horsemen of doom, just some good old fashion quick death. Why? Because who the fuck cares about physical inaccuracies or incongruencies in a movie? Isn’t it enough that a group of people got together for almost a year to be people who aren’t usually them, and to dress like someone else all to entertain you? If you’re that fanatical about visual effects and scenery to be top of the line READ A BOOK! You’d be amazed how accurate and visually pleasing your imagination can be. Reading also comes with the added bonus of making you look like less an idiot. The next groups of mongrels to be eradicated are the parents, producers and children of children pop music and the tasteless soft porn music videos they spawn. The parents bother me because they’re exploiting their children to accomplish their own failed dreams and they’re ruining any chance the child had of finding an identity by forcing them to conform to the desires of their corporate masters. Way to go parents, this is totally going to help them out for the future. They can’t wait to be taken advantage of by creepy pedophiles and invading paparazzi. Don’t worry parents it’s not all your fault, if the industry wasn’t there you wouldn’t have put them in it. It worries me that there are people out there who are so amoral that they’re willing to produce garbage (and that’s what the music is) all to make a couple million dollars by legally selling child pornography. Sure they’re wearing clothing, but it doesn’t take much for the imagination to take clothing off. Corporate slim like this should be flushed down the drain, twice to make sure it’s floating with the rest turds. As for the children, well I just plain don’t like em. I say fuck the children. They’re overrated and get to much attention as is. So fuck them, lets get rid of them now so all those soccer moms and single dads can idolize and covet something less perverted. For this next group, I hope Hell has special section set aside for them, full of nasty surprises and terrible fun. These tone deaf, musical retards, who can’t write lyrics let alone their own name, the rappers. The man who once said, “alcohol is the root of all evil” never had the misfortune of having his brain putrefy from the detrimental wavelengths created by the shitty sound of rappers. Their music is so crappy; doctors are considering using it to treat cancer patients. However they fear the risk of death is greater than with chemotherapy. What bewilders and frustrates me about these parasites is the apparent inconsistency of their idiosyncrasies and their economical standings. They make millions per album, yet sing about the ghetto and the rough life of the “gansta”. If this is what passes off as authenticity today I say, fuck you! I can smell blue blood all over your white collar produced albums. Anyone stupid enough to listen to this shitty music, or endorse the gansta ghetto look should have their inner organs forcibly removed through their rectum. To compound the dire need for their extinction, let’s add the crippling of the English language to their long list of sins. If that doesn’t break the camels back it’s because the camel died along time ago. Well that’s all the irritation I care to share as of now. Enjoy!
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