your a great artist:)
sure thing how u been
i am doing good how about uself?
hey. who died? r u doin ok?
marry me?
hey sis! i love the new layout. that first pic is hilarious. just thought id see how things were going.

lol whats it matter?
haha its insanely awesome
hey.. awesome pic... if you drew that then you have good talent.
heyy =) nice diary
i love you too, and ill be looking for you on my buddy list. bye. -rr
what up doc =)
i like that drawing. youre cool, and we need to talk soemtime soon. -rr
Haha, yeah the music on my Hogwartswitch acount is pretty groovy. :D
heyyy thatnx...u seem pretty awesome too im gonna add ya...i got most of my html from
hey. u like my new journal look?
urs is cute also
you're welcome
Thanks. . .I like your diary also! And the picture is absolutely incredible !*!*! Very nice. . keep it up
thanks. alright i'll do the same =)
hey. nice diary =)
awesome drawing.
You're a wonderful artist.
I need to draw more. Too many kids have grown out of that stage.. haha, I forget what I'm saying.

Cheers :)
omg i love the pic u did wicked good job on it hehe!!:o)

omg! thata is a freaking awesome drawing!!!
I still think the dude needs some hot hair though..but none the less, very provocative.

yes. mexican food is the best! right after chinese :)
Well, I can see you don't give up. I'm sorry if I haven't been talkin to ya. Its just when I do talk to you, you make my mind go into overdrive, and hate it when I do that. As for the believing part, I'm not to sure what you mean by that. Maybe you can explain that part to me. I'm sorry if you hate me and think that I'm a pooper, but someday you will understand me. Again, I'm sorry. ttyl ~Elmo ;p
hey sis! thanks! im all better now. nice drawing. your really good.

haha you are nottt my mother now
you draw very well.