aww :( that sucks.

whoever doesnt care about you is stupid...youre cool.

i like the new layout and pictures and stuff...
Wow...long time no talk. I see you write in here as much as I do. Just stopping by to say hi! l8rz
just stoped by to say hello and hope your doing awesome later
ur background is depressing now :/
damn i'm feeling the exact same way right now.
Nice background.
i know the feeling...
dude, thats fucking awesome! they are my new idols!
haha yeah, i ♥ MCR, especially Gerard.

I heard he was dating bert from the u know if thats true? that would be so freaking awesome if it is...they are like, 2 of my favorite people ever.
aww hehe. then i'll have to continue to leave awesome comments.

are you saying you like someone who doesnt like you back or just CARE for someone?
lol, I know. I worked 10 hours the next day. but im trying to quit smoking again for you. and I really miss talking to you. im at school right now lol. I snuck away to come talk to you. hope your still doing good. *winks* later days <3 Jake
hi girlie. I just stopped by to say hey. hope life is treating you good. Talk to you as soon as possible =p. Your favorite boy

Hey. I hope u feel better. You talked to me long ago.
look at dem crosses.
i think i spelt that wa-rong.

i see all that girl-on-girl action going on in that picture. haha
as am i.
Just stopping by to say hi!
I know!
Like he always stares at me now like when I am standing with my friends and he is standing with his he always moves closer to me and my friends even when he is like far away... its pretty sad.