Listening to: ray.dee.oh.oh.ohhhh.
Feeling: accomplished
~ What Would You Do If I... ~ said I liked you? probably feel fairly awkward. wanted to do you? feel a lot more awkward. but laugh. kissed you? alright, extreme awkwardness level reached. lived next door to you? I'd be happy because then we could play DDR 24/7 until you figured out how to beat me. started smoking? It's your life; I wouldn't be mad at you for it. stoped smoking? After starting? I'd be happy that you stopped. Maybe build you a cake. stole something? I'd just be surprised, really. was hospitalzed? Ohhh I'd be sad and cry a little. I don't cry a lot, really. ran away from home? Call your cell and tell you to come to my house. got into a fight and you weren't there? Hunt down whoever you got in a fight with and annihilate them with my fists of fury. went crazy? I'd still call you Superwoman. If you're alive and well, I will be there holding your hand. Even if I am your kryptonite. was in love with you? again with that whole awkward thing... was in love with your best friend? That would mean you were in love with Sam. Hahahaha. ~ What Do You Think About My... ~ personality? It radiates awesomeness. eyes? You do have really nice eyes. face? Good structure, nice general shape. Mhm. hair? Oh god, your hair is like whoa. clothes? A very good dresser. Even if you and Lauren do have the same shoes. family? Your mom coached our rec team when I was in, what, 4th grade? 5th? She was nice. And then your sister...oh gosh. ass? YOU CAN DO IT, PUT YOUR ASS INTO IT. boobs? Uhm...I don't really have lyrics for that, sorry. attitude? You've got sass. AND I LIKE IT. ~ Would You... ~ be my friend? Not if you beat me in DDR. OHHHHCHALLENGE lie to make me feel better? possibly. it depends on the situation. I haven't had to yet though. spread rumors about me? Ew no. keep a secret if I told you one? Uh huhhhh. loan me some cash? Uhm, hello, this is Gretchen here. OF COURSE I would loan you cash; I insist upon it every day. hold my hand? I guess...if you really wanted me to or something... take a bullet for me? Hells yeah I would. keep in touch? Uhm, chaaa. try and solve my problems? No, you don't want me to. love me? Uh huh. hate me? Nuh uh. give me a cup of coffee? Sure be sad if i died? Very. Ohhh that's just sad to think about. Don't ask that anymore. ~ Random... ~ Who are you? Gretchen Elizabeth Leithiser. Are we friends? I'd hope so. When and how did we meet? I think iut was when we were first on that rec soccer team, actually. How long do you think we will be friends? I don't know. I hope we stay friends foreverrrr, but you know how these high school friendships work out. Do you love me? Uh huh. Do you have a crush on me? No, haha. Would you kiss me? Uhm, no. Would you hug me? 'Choah. Physically, what stands out? YOU'VE GOT A RIGHT PURDY MOUTH. Emotionally, what stands out? I don't know if those counts, but seeing you affects me emotionally. It's just like "Oh, there's Hell, my day has been brightened!" On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I? a bajillion. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. HELL. Because I like it and that's what you are in my cell phone. Am I loveable? Uh huh. Describe me in one word. Hell-licious. What was your first impression? I always thought you'd hated me. Do you still think that way about me now? I try not to, hah. What do you think my weakness is? DDR skills. Muahahahah. What reminds you of me? Snapple and pads on my wall. If you could give me anything what would it be? Ummm...oh, I know. I'd bring your grandma back. That seems appropriate... Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Probably, but I don't remember it now. Do you think I could kill someone? Possibly Mrs. Berry. I'll help. THE END.
Read 4 comments
I'm defs the masta at DDR, aint no touchin this.

just so you know..
haha... i love that!
thanks gretch..
I <3 you very much.

what with kimble's random equation?