Feeling: happy
Floride était très amusante. |[FaVoRiTeS]|| [Smell]: freshly cut grass [Band]:oh boy...bright eyes, death cab for cutie, the faint, cursive...lets go with the majority of saddle creek and barsuk records. [Fruit]: i like graples. [Shoes]: probably my indoor soccer shoes. [CD]: either the bright eyes 95-97 collection, or transatlanticism. wet from birth makes me happy. [Perfume]: lucky you [Taste]: the salad dressing my grammy makes. [Animal] manatees. and my dog. [Place]: NYC, or my grandparent's old house on Scott Avenue. [Movies]: Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, La Cité des Enfants Perdus, Surf Ninjas [Song]: there are so many...for this time, I'll say Bright Eyes- Going for the Gold [Weapon]: a permanent marker. [Vegetable]: POTATO. [Drink]: the Shirley Temples my grandmother would make me in the special ugly cups. [Alcoholic Drink]:vodka. Get it done quick. [Toy as a child]: definitely my Legos. I still play with them, damnit. [Least favorite thing in the world]: people that do very bad things. Like pedophiles and rapists and murderers and such. ||[In ThE LaSt 24 HoUrs HaVe YoU...]|| [Cried]: nope. [Bought something]: a Snickers for me and a Snickers for Kosnow. [Gotten sick]: nope. [Killed a kitten]: most likely. [Eaten]: I ate the Snickers I bought. [Consumed anything illegal]: it's always a possibility...but I don't have knowledge of it. [Felt stupid]: Hello, I'm a teenager. A member of the self-degradation brigade. [Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn’t]: nope. [Met someone new]: hmm...no, but I did talk to Stefanie Veneziano this morning, and I hadn't talked to her in a long time. I asked if she knew what kind of day it was (A1). [Got it on]: Haha. No. [Talked to an ex]: Nope. [Missed an ex]: Nope. [Talked to someone you want]: "you're the one that I want, the one that I want...Hoo hoo hoo!" (No.) [Had a serious talk]: Uh huh. [Hugged someone]: Hmm...Yes, I hugged Webber. [Fought with someone]: I was sad that Mom made me go to school, but we didn't fight about it. [Laughed]: Hello, I'm Gretchen. I don't stop laughing much. [Dreamed]: I don't think so... ||[WhO]|| [Have you known the longest]: Mom and Dad. [Argue with the most]: Mom. [Always get along with]:Hell, Lauren McSexy (haha), Kubimble, Marggs, Lily, Colleen (except for when I was little, I didn't like her. I judo-chopped her neck once...), and a lot of other people...I don't know, I kind of get along with everybody most of the time. Minus stupid Australians who told fake surfing stories today. [Wish you knew better]: You can always use a bit of a further education on a person, I think. [Believes in you]: I don't know, there's not much believing to do with me. I don't really have any big goals. But if I needed believing, I'm sure most of my friends could help me out with it. [Makes you laugh]: Colleen, Hell, Kimble, Lauren, Evan, Sam, Webber, Marggs, Lily a lot...I don't know, like I said, I don't stop laughing often. Everybody makes me laugh. I'm easily entertained, what can I say? [Has been there through the hard times with you]: I don't have a lot of hard times. And when I do, I don't like to tell people about it ever. Probably Sam the most, just since we've been good friends for so long. [Has the coolest parents]: I love Calvin's mom. DOE! [..coolest siblings]: Lily's got Becca, who is awesome. But Kimble's got Rylee...RYLEE SMELLS HEH HEH HEH. [Smartest]: Probably Marggi or Lily. [Smokes the most blunts]: Sam, of course. ||[PeRsOnAl]|| [Do you like your name]: I wish Gretchen Lescord didn't have it too. [Named after anyone]: No, but there are other Gretchens in my family. [Do you wish on stars]: Not really, no. [Piercings (want/have)]:Ears are pierced...I'd like my eyebrow done, though. [Tattoos (want/have)]: Haha, none. [Role model]: Rosie the Riveter, of course. [Do looks matter]: of course looks matter. Anyone who says that looks don't matter is either lying or blind. [Do you like your handwritting]: It frustrates me when other people have no idea what I've written, but yeah, it's not bad. [Liked someone you have no chance with]: Of course. Again, typical teenager. [Ever cried over the opposite sex]: That such a broad topic, because it doesn't necessarily mean relation-ship wise. I cried when my grandfather died, when my uncle died of cancer, when the other uncle commited suicide, when Alex spent Christmas in the hospital... [... the same sex]: the elipses hint towards a romantic type of crying, so no. [Do you have a type of person you go for]: Not really. There's different things I've liked in different people. But I must see nice teeth. [...does it ever work out]: not yet, but I'm not worried about it. [Bad habits]: well my arthritic knuckles probably hint towards one of many... [#1 priority in life]: staying alive. [Ever lied to your best friends]: Surely. [Wanted revenge on someone who hurt you]: You bet. [Dump or be dumped]: be dumped [Relationship or hookup]: relationship [What age did you find out Santa Clause wasn't real]: I don't know, somewhere around 6 or 7-ish. [Marriage]: not quite yet, thanks. Maybe not ever. Who knows. I'm seventeen, damnit. [How do you release anger]: I kind of don't. [Favorite part of your physical appearance]:Probably nothing. Not in an "oh mah gawd I'm so ehffing hideous" way, just like...eh, there's not much to me. I am plain and have a big tum tum. [Do you think you can draw well]: nope. [Ever happy]: I've got a cheery disposition. [What do you want to change]: Oh you know, a little this, a little that... [Deathly afraid of]: dolls, clowns, clown dolls, silence [Believe in forgiveness]: I sure do. [Abortion]: I think there's certain circumstances in which it's the right thing to do. [Gay Marriage]: My uncle and his boyfriend would be happy to see me say yes. [Where is your second home]: My house is more like my second home, Sam's is more like my first. ||[HaVe YoU]|| [Been dropped on your head]: Uh huh. [Been rejected]: In what way? Romantically? No. [Been in love]: Nope. [Used someone]: I don't remember it if I did, but I apologize. [Done something you regret]: Of course, silly. [Ever told a secret you swore not to tell]: Uh huh. What a bad person. [Been in a car accident]: Just a little one. [Wisdom teeth]: GONE. ||[LaSt PeRsOn YoU..]|| [Talked to]: Dad. [Instant Messaged]: I have no idea, I've been gone for a week and I'm not signed on now... [Yelled at]: Dad. [Laughed with]: Webber [Broke your heart]:I've never had my heart broken, really. [Told you loved]: Uhmmm...I told Lily today that she makes me happy when skies are grey, does that count? ||[Do YoU]|| [Color your hair]: Nope. [Have a significant other]: Nope. [Own a webcam]: Nope. [Own a thong]: OOHHHH WOULDNT YOU LIKE TO KNOW. Actually I doubt you would. Ew. [Lie]: uh huh. [Ever get off the damn computer]: I'm barely ever on [Forget]: not much [Own a lot of shoes]: Yeahhhh I have a lot. [Snore]: Nope. [Lick stamps]: When necessary, yes. But not as a recreational activity... [Use an electric can opener]: No those confuse me. [Think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow]: Nope. [Trust easily]: Uh huhhh. ||[HaVe YoU//Do YoU//ArE YoU]|| [Smoked]:. Yep. [Obsessive]: Not really. [Compulsive]: Yes. [Obsessive compulsive]: With alphabetizing, yeah. [Panic]: sometimes. [Ridden in a hot air ballon]: Nope. [Fear authority]: Uh huh. [Anxiety]: Yeah, I suppose. [Depressed]: Mom says I am. I say it's bullshit. [Suicidal]: Nope. [Trendy]: Hahahah. I am probably the least trendy person ever. Hell yeah for wearing pajamas to school. They're damn comfy. [Have a journal]: Uh huh. [Use sarcasm]:I'm supposed to give a clever sarcastic anser here, right? Oh well. Yes, I use sarcasm often. [Trustworthy]: I hope so. I try. [Nickname]: Gretch? Does that count? G. Leit, Sam calls me Scarface ever since I fell on the ice...bastard. [Going to college/university]: Yes Ma'am/Sir. [A Daredevil]: I suppose. Depends on the situation. [Ever been to another country]: Canada, haha. [Obsessed with hate]: Nope. [Strong]: Strong like bull, I'd say. [Dream of mutilated bodies, blood death and gore]: No, but sometimes I have nightmares with this one dead lady and she looks like when the people get all crumbly in the Beetlejuice movie plus Linda Blair, Exorcist-style. She's scary. [Ouiji board]: I tried once or twice, nothing happened. My friends cheated. Plus we were like, eleven. [Loyal]: I try to be. [Like emo]: Bright Eyes is probably about as emo as it gets. You can call it indie or indie folk to make yourself feel better about it, but damnit, Conor Oberst is one hell of an emotional boy. ||[I.First thing to pop in your head..]|| [I see]: the computer screen [I need]: a drink [I find]: old toys in closets, then play with them. [I will]: rock you. [I have]: a million dollars. [I wish]: my house was in Hampden. [I love]: you. [I cant]: do a cartwheel. [I fear]: Mom's Joey doll. [I hear]: Bright Eyes [I won’t]: let you bury it. [I smell]: cigarette smoke that has sunk into the walls. [I want]: to go to bed. Goodnight.
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Pfft, you and your imparfait...
ima so happy to see you !!!