
Feeling: antisocial
Here are some beautiful pictures from New York, courtesy of my darling cousin Ali. I'm sorry, I know they're titanic. Nobody rocks the van like I rock the van. Image hosted by Photobucket.com I love my cousins. Meet Jake and Alex, my fellow lovely Leithisers. Image hosted by Photobucket.com Alex gets killed... Image hosted by Photobucket.com ...poor boy, completely annihilated. He also jumped off the couch in a big blue tube, but no pictures of that, sadly. Image hosted by Photobucket.com Ali was supposed to go to the DMB concert that night, when her parents suddenly decided it was a no-go. So I drew this in their garage and prayed it could suffice...it looks horribly disproportioned here. Image hosted by Photobucket.com In other news, I'm totally done with making plans.
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Thanks for leaving the main page fucked up, jerk.
awesome pictures dear gretchen, dear gretchen. :o)

i'm not sure if i'm going to come home early or not, i've met some people that interest me so I'm unsure. but i sure would like to see you all again real soon.

in other news: i have also decided to not make plans with certain people as well

just thought i'd let you know, we share common ground.
my love is found, it's your lovely sound. So talk to me, and spread your love around :)
gretchen, i am so sorry about the other day. I didn't call you back because i ended up having to go to southern maine for a couple of days. My uncle died, and i've spent the past weekend at a wake and a funeral and a ton of just stupid family gatherings. I"m really sorry, i feel terrible about it.
was "cinematography" kidding or...