Give me an H

Feeling: adventurous
I'm getting my hair cut tonight. It's going to be a lot shorter. It's because I'm totally ready to have liberty spikes for the game tomorrow. That's right...even my hair will be all up for Hampden Academy. I'm going to get some purple gel and super super super wax. Possibly Elmer's glue... It should be pretty intense, foo'. LAYDUHHHHH. Update: Soooo my hair was either still too long, or the gel/wax stuff just wouldn't dry in time. I guess it was a combination of both, really. Either way, liberty spikes didn't quite work out. But I didn't just leave my hair normal...I kind of puffed it up with my headband? Here, Picture. Front row...jeans jacket (which is MINE) is Sam. I'm next to him with the big microphone and stupid looking hair...and then alll around us are various sitDiary-ers. WE WON, HELLS YEAH BREWERRRR, YOU GOT SERVED.
Read 4 comments
kk ill write an entry and if it's totally sweet ill post it signed andre
I just had the idea of doing it on the ides of march, so wait five days.
By the way, there wasn't supposed to be a line break between "signed" and "andre" in my first comment. It just turned out that way. So, use your imagination.
heh, thats okay, i still have your christmas present... but, i';ll burn you my bright eyes cd & you burn me yours & we'll call it even.