dam the headers save the empire!

Feeling: broken
......hey.....hows it goin ?.....oh me....im allright iguess....same old crap...different crap really...but same old d.....no its a different day to......guess everythings new......then why the hell do i feal like nothings changed ?.......hmmm.....when someone tell you the love you...after youve thrown them away...after youve denied there love the first time...after you broke there heart in 2...after a month of pain....a year of torture...a life time of sorrow.....they still tell you everyday they love you.....that really is a miracle...or atleast somethin that barley ever happens in or world these days....eh love....so hard today....so simple though....but it is difficult to expand...and grow on it....and to express it...to mean it....to really mean it....eh...fuck that topic...i dont even want to think about it anymore....my hands look so old to me....so ruff and calased and scarred.. i need someone to take them away from me...to keep them.....damnit im one sorry son of a bich....i need to fukin go live in a hole....i need to make my self happy and fuk everyone else untill then...im allmsot sick and tierd of all thses people that i dont know....stupid little pople that have never seen me before taking advantage of me....dam them...i will jsut stick to the people that reallly love me ...my close freinds...all 3 of em....u know who u are...C.E. B.K. and....B.K?......holy shit they have the same ainitilas...unless one is camp or kamp ....hahaha...love you brittany...i wish you were here right now...i wish i cold jsut here your voice.....but oh well ill just wait here then....im so tierd now....i must get some sleep...i must cheer up....i must try to live tomorrow....goodnight fellow dreamers...do not abondon all hope yet.....the stars will guide us through. MOTHERFUKIN HEADER WOULDNT FIT ON THERE GOD DAMIT ...ok what it was saposed to say was "Cough Cough"....ahem...."someone please save me from this lovely heart"...he screams at the top of his lungs. thats what it was saposed to fukin say.....god dam fukin.....mumble mumble....
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hot pic! is that you?