testing testing 1 2 3...

*tap tap tap* is this thing on? Cool! _Attention, earthlings, this is your conscience speaking!_ Okay, I have no idea where that came from, but it sounds pretty cool, doesn't it? Okay okay, maybe not. Nevertheless... onward! So it's Friday 28 May 2004 - or as Emmerich would have us believe, it's the day after tomorrow - and it's a rainy dismal Friday afternoon here in Cape Town in South Africa. I am officially at my desk at U.C.T. and it is officially 3.36pm as I type 3.36pm. By the time I finsih it most likely will not be. Okay, so, here we all are. What you guys got planned for the weekend?? I have an old friend flying into town as of an hour or so ago and we are most likely going to get plastered somewhere this evening. Not intentionally, of course - we'd just be going out to play pool and have a drink - but I know me and things would get out of hand... just like they always do when I go out these days. Seems like it doesn't matter really one way or the other where I go - gym, shopping center, party, crack-house, church - things always seem to go pear-shaped and end with me either a.) getting violently sick; b.) feeling violently sick but not actually vomiting; c.) getting perved at by dirty, hairy old men; d.) driving into gangland looking for booze after hours from a backstreet bar and/or crackhouse; e.) going streaking, drunk or sober; or f.) getting dry-raped by two rather large, rather horny and very rather drunk ugly troll-women. In fairness, point f has happened only once and it was this last weekend; but boy, talk about scarred for life! Okay, so that is My First Entry. It is, as predicted, somewhat later than I started - 3.46 to be precise; and I am leaving the fair university to go home. Of course, the nature of my PhD work means I'll be back here again tomorrow... perhaps I shall use this opprtunity to write Entry 2: Return of the Killer Entry. I'm not making promises, though, so don't nobody be getting pissy if I don't do it. laters, people.
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