86. An African Christmas

hey everyone Well, 2004 is winding itself down for its exit in about 9 days' time or thereabouts. It's been a good year, I think, if somewhat unproductive. To everyone out there in sitDiary land, I hope you all have a marvelous festive season, with wonderful Christmases and very happy New Years. At this point, I shall mention that the beauty of an African - and therefore summer - New Year means that I will see 2005 in whilst sipping champagne and other fruity alcopoppy things sitting in a cool jacuzzi/hot-tub thing, hopefully wearing very little and surrounded by people wearing even less. This is the plan as confirmed by my hot-tub-having mate as at 15 minutes ago with an invite to his smashing New Year's bash. So keep your Winter Wonderlands; enjoy your White Christmases; have a super time with your snowmen and reindeer and egg-nog and whatever. Here's to an African summer. Take care -D-
Read 2 comments
don't rub it in :( happy christmas
well i hope your new years is lots of fun. and with women! sounds like it will be more exciting than mine! :o( i wish i had a friend with a spa bath.

thanks for your comment on my background. its an artwork by piet mondrian called "broadway". its just tiled across the screen. i think its a plan view of some part of new york. (broadway maybe?) so no, theres no optical illusion.

talk soon. happy happy festive season!