Summer Games

Feeling: liberated
heya So today starts 16 days of Olympic glory. woohoo! [Insert couch potato here.] We love international sports. Except golf, which is lame. No no, don't argue; I couldn't be arsed to defend my position on golf. All I will say, though, is if it were a real sport, it would be at the Olympics. QED. The English football season also starts tomorrow. Woohoo 2: Return of the Killer Woohoo! [insert further couch potato here.] Yes, soccer is an Olympic sport, so take that, golf fans. I will be looking thoroughly forward to the swimming, diving and gymnastics events. News on the radio this morning is that the British team swimmers are in white and it seems it becomes somewhat transparent after getting wet... well done to the good folks at Speedo for that! I have a cousin of sorts who was a champion diver and went to the Commonwealth and Olympic games in the 90s. I would love to be a hardcore pro-diver like those guys. What I would do, and purely for the sake of comedy and winning, you understand, is enact a brilliant plan to win over the audience and get them rooting for you, because, hey, everyone loves an unfortunate underdog, right? The Brilliant Plan to Win Over the Diving Audience and Get Them on your Side: 1.) Be a world-class diver 2.) Get sent to the Olympics (Step 1 and 2 are kinda tricky; many people will not make it even to step 1, let's be honest.) 3.) Wear a dodgy, dark-coloured micro-Speedo with a "loose drawstring" i.e. untie it when the camera isn't looking at you. 4.) On your third dive, rip your entry so the force of the water relieves you of said micro-Speedo in front of everyone. The dark colour will make it visble floating on the surface of the water so everyone realises what is happening while you frantically attempt to retrieve it and put it back on. It may help to flash a little skin audience-wards. 4a.) In case they choose the nosy underwater camera for the telecast at step 4, try to ensure you have an above-average to massive schlong. This will win you brownie points anyway. No point in having a cocktail wiener and not winning a medal, is there? 5.) Blush and look generally embarrassed and grin sheepishly when you get out of the water. Pretend to be horrified and dismayed at this woeful misfortune. Wave an apology to the crowd, who will applaud because they always do for someone who's recovered from immense bad luck. Look at the gymnasts who fall off the bar - they practically get standing ovations when they get back on, right? 6.) While on the board awaiting your next dive, look embarrassed and make a show of tying your drawstring extra tight. Play this one for the crowd, complete with facial expressions of "phew! *That* was close!" etc. If the crowd and judges aren't eating out of your hand at this stage, forget it - no medal for you. You will need to try more traditional ways of winning (see Step 1). If all fails but you managed to achieve step 4a, you may go on to a successful career in pornography, which is probably a close second to winning an Olympic medal, right? In fact, you may win the medal and *still* be go on to be a porn-star - double trouble! One wonders why no-one has tried this sort of thing before, frankly. What do coaches teach their teams? ok, geia hara (that's ok bye in Greek) -D-
Read 8 comments
Well, they do have that award show for porn, but maybe that's only an american thing.

As for British women in see-thru clothing, normally, given the average frumpy British female, I would cringe and avert my eyes after a few moments, but given that these are 'world class athletes', I might just have to check out this Olympic thing you speak of.

That and I adore watching the Brazilians lose in soccer on a worldwide stage.


Well, thanks. I also enjoy perusing your words at the leisurely crawl with which I read for I find you mildly brilliant in your expressions in a manner I wish I had conceived of previously.

The FCC doesn't mind partial nudity as much as they disapprove of anti-Bush sentiment or freedom of speech. And that's coming from a guy who isn't even a liberal in this crap ass bipartisan system.

You happen to know any De Kock's out there?
Haha. Exactly. How free can speech be when the bureau of censorship (AKA the FCC) is controlled by none other than Robert Cheney, the relative and confidant of none other than the 'Vice-President' (Supreme Overlord), Mr. Dick Cheney? American politics is such malarkey.

Screw Canada, I'm moving to Mexico.

Or South Africa. Speaking of which, the De Kock's I have some farms in Zimbabwe. How is the situationup there if you don't mind my
Haha. Exactly. How free can speech be when the bureau of censorship (AKA the FCC) is controlled by none other than Robert Cheney, the relative and confidant of none other than the 'Vice-President' (Supreme Overlord), Mr. Dick Cheney? American politics is such malarkey.
Screw Canada, I'm moving to Mexico.
Or SA. Speaking of which, the De Kock's I know have some farms in Zimbabwe. How is the situation up there, if you don't mind my asking?
Whoa. Cabin Fever just came out over there? Man. Do you want me to send you some more mainstream video-fare? That movie has been out for about a year here, I would surmise. I really should keep more up to date with your entries, though, instead of reading seven of them at one time.
In Canada my money only equals itself. In Mexico, it multiplies times ten. Plus, I like surfing and latina women.
At least they're getting out of Zimbabwe then.
lol cool, i didnt realise u read my diary :o) i like ur plot to win the olympics, hows things going with Claire?
lmao That's a great plan! I might actually watch the Olympics this year.

You don't want any girls? Girls are WAY better than boys. :-) If you had a girl what would you name her?
Hmmmm... I like the names you picked. They'd sound good with your surname, I think.

If I ever have a daughter I'll name her Olivia Elizabeth and if I have a boy he'll be Sidney or John. I also like the name Ben... I'll probably never have kids. :-)