Cabin Fever

Good morning, world. I can see you today, all new and shiny and sunny and bright in the aftermath of 134mm of torrential rainfall; twenty-odd thousand people left homeless seems a little heavy a price to pay for cleanliness, though, don't you think? Unless you were washing your sins away, of course, in which case you gotta do what you gotta do, yeah? We are coming off the back of a long weekend, during which I did a lot of activity involving beds, pyjamas (well, boxers and a t-shirt) and eyes tightly shut till 11am. It was a good idea at the time; the late nights, though - 4 in a row - took their toll last night when I went to bed early to find my diurnal rhythms all fubar'ed and I lay awake, entirely not-tired, for 3 hours before finally drifting off for a further 3 hours before my cellphone alarm went off at 6am and roused me from my slumber. I'm not exactly looking or feeling my best this morning, it must be said; even two cups of mmmm-good strong coffee are not exactly lifting the veil at this time. Nevertheless... onward. Or something. Of course, sitting around at home in a vegetative state always tends to get one a little cabin feverish, so my folks and I headed out to the movies yesterday to watch Cabin Fever, which started here on Friday. It's a weird movie - not entirely sure what to make of it, in the end; and a little gorier than I'd anticipated. After that, I headed gymwards for a kilometer in the pool (my first real training of any sort since duffing my ankle 12 days ago) and then was completely not propositioned in the steamroom/shower area, which I'm quite pleased with. So that makes a grand total of 0 propositions in my last 8 visits and only 1 in my last 9 visits to the gym. Having said that, there was a peculiar Taiwanese gentleman in the steamroom smashing his back repeatedly into the wall. I, apparently, was the only person startled by this display of self-torment; later, when I remarked on it, I was informed that it's a type of solo massage, for when you don't have anyone to massage it for you. In retrospect, you probably wouldn't make too many friends in there by saying things like "Hi. Give us a back rub, would you?" although my 1 in the last 9 seems to indicate that you just might. I obviously still have a great deal to learn about things. One thing I did learn about, though, is that I have a hole in the butt of my Speedo, which I discovered after the swim. Will need to look into that, as it were. In other news, another week beckons, belatedly, after yesterday's national public holiday for Women's Day. I don't know how many other countries have a Women's Day - anyone reading care to comment on it, please feel free. To be fair, I wished my mom and sister a happy Women's Day; and to celebrate, I kinda gawked at the very perky breasts (Amen to that!) on the chick in the lane alongside mine at the pool for about 18 laps before she finished her training and left, undoubtedly in disgust. Cheers.
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I think every day here in America is pretty much Women's Day. Or was it a year long Bitch Fest that we have?

I'm so easily confused.