The Start

This is the begining, I don't know really how this stuff works but I guess that I'm going to find out. D was spose to come over after work and he effectively ditched. All he wanted to do was come here to sleep. Like what am i a hotel?? I got him his christmas present, a pager, or as i like to call it a wireless leach. I'm leaving to calgary soon, I'm exsited to visit family it's been too long and my nephew is going to foget who I am. He's young and I'm not sure if he'll remember me from the summer. School is going alright, my teacher said that i"m not normal. How did she know. She thinks I should go and seek help, to make my class life easier. I don't know, I hate to think of myself as abnormal, just because I had a drug problem before and sometimes I still just give up instead of trying to deal with all this shi- anymore. Okay well that's all for now,
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hello, just wanted to say hi and welcome u to SD :o)
just saying hi. ;)
Welcome to sitDiaries. Please, allow me to extend the proverbial handshake.
welcome to sit =)
people that suggest that sort of thing should go into a closet and close the door and stay there forever.
i like your username. you're probably perfectly fine.