still stalked

Listening to: hot 103 fm
Feeling: agitated
stalker boy who said he was never going to talk to me again, called today. He wants me to go with him driving for work tomorrow. I said i didn't know. I don't know what to do about him. LIke he jsut doesnt' stop. Like i don't want it to go so far as i have to call the cops or anything..i just think that is so wrong...i should be able to handle this by myself...and my life and safety are not in jepordy or anything, so i don't know. Sometimes i'm glad that he is around because i am lonely for a boyfriend and i guess the honest truth is that he is starting to grow on mold...but he's always around so i'm getting use to it...but i don't see any future for us, he's not the type of guy i want to spend the rest of my life with. Like everytime he gets mad he calls me a whore and a slut and says all these threatening things to me. Of course i know it's just hot headed talk but still i don't want to put up with that crap, and i don't want to become part of his whole drama filled life. Like he needs someone to take care of him and right now i don't want to take care of guys i want a guy who will show me that he wants to take care of me. I cna't even see us together a day from now never mind any substantial time from now. Plus like come on he's a unstable stalker, i can't belive i'm even saying that he is starting to grow on that is insaine. JD isn't answering her phone all weekend, i wonder if she went to the rez or the pas for the weekend, i don't remember her telling me that she was going anywhere but then again i might not of been paying attention. A and J called a bunch of time on friday but i didnt' answer, A was drunk as usual, habitual alchololic, so i could just imagine what she wanted, probably wanted to ask to borrow money or tobacco or something. It is just frustrating talking to her sometimes. Plus if she's really drunk she just starts acting biligerant and stupid. She gets way too roudy and not in a good party type way but in an insaine way. She jsut is too much sometimes. I don't know what i'm going to do, i've slept most of the day way i didn't get out of bed till 1 and now it's 4 and i'm still in my pj's. I wish it was warmer, it's starting to get niceer out but still not warm enough for my likeing. The neighbours are all out doing stuff, like raking the lawn or fixing cars and houses, some people are BBQing i can smell the aroma floating in the air. And here i am in my dark lil' dungon in my pj's infront of this contraption, I'm pissed of my dvd player is all screwed up and it's not working properly, which sucks it's almost a year old but not quite. and well that doen't really bother me but the fact that the other week my vcr broke and i had to buy a new one makes me angry because i can't afford a new one.
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hey sorrrrrrrrry aBOUT THAT guy......thanks for commentin & hopfuly everything will work out for u & not to say me well i dont know what im sayin sdory bye