
Listening to: hot 103 fm
Feeling: slothful
So I'm up and I can't sleep. I really am determined to break up what ever the hell relationship i have with D. I was so dead set to do it this morning. He had spent the night. He wanted to have sex last night but couldn't even so anything. It's the lasst straw. But ya so i was going to tell him this morning but he woke up late or whatveer. even though i asked him if he wanted me to set the alarm and he said no. Anyway he was all grump and running out the door so i didn't say anything. I want to so badly though. Like really i am so fed up with him. I know i say that over and over again and i never follow threw but i'm getting there. I really don't know what to say. How to say it more like it, i know sorta what i want to say. Ahhhh I don't know when the last time i talked to you was..Guess who is calling me again...yeah BJ the stalker. He called on aug. 20th. I was on the way to RD's wedding social with T and her bf and friend J. I did go over to his place once but i didn't stay long at all, just went to see his cat basically. I know stupid but actaully it hasn't been as bad as it was before. i've been avoiding seeing him and mostly becasue i' have been busy with school and becasue i didn't want D to just show up and freak out or anyting like that till i actually break up with him...even though we ain't together...i guess give him the kiss off is more acurate then break up. Whatever. I dont' feel like writting anymore. wish me luck and strenght
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You don't need society to pressure you into being in a relationship with anyone, but yourself. I have realized that I am okay on my own. I was with someone for 5 years. The worst five years of my life. I didn't think I could be on my own. I didn't think I knew how to be on my own. Nothing is wrong with me, or you, if you are single. Single shows strength, single shows that you are comfortable with yourself and your values. Single is living
Yep! That's right...I bet alot of my friends won't get it though...-iseedeadpeople-