Classic Moments of a Fool

Listening to: tv tonight show
Feeling: foolish
Ok, another moment, it’s not so amusing though, (well at least not to me). So The way it goes it some thing like this...... Once upon a time in a land that was so very cold where the building were old and ugly, there lived a princess maiden of 24. She was known threw out the land for her many outstanding qualities: her most excellent choice in friends, winning charm, enormous kindness and most of all her ability to perform mind-blowing orgasmic “relations”. Despite the numerous assets possessed by the gorgeous, talented, and intellectual princess, she was not impenetrable to acts of horrific and malicious cruelty. It seemed in another land, one of fire and brim stone, a devil spawn was plotting to bring forth great humiliation and heart ache to the innocent loving princess. It seems this thirty something ex of her royalty’s company had (under false pretenses) lured the princess in to a horrible predicament where she was trapped under his spell once again. The devil spawn put on a show worthy of the highest performance arts awards. Once he was convinced that the princess was truly under his influence, he called her and made plans with her for the next eve. This brought great joy to the princess. Telling her that he would travel to her castle to spend time with her and would “room” for the night, leaving the following sunrise to work. The Princess was happily looking forward to “the companionship” of the sly and talented devil spawn. Around the stroke of 6:30pm the Dazed princess under the influence of the voices of evil, thought how “wonderfully nice it would be for her to prepare a dinner, a feast of spaghetti and meatballs for her love” (the devil spawn ). Time passed quickly for the princess as she worked hard preparing the dish out of love. Still more time passed as the whole evening disappeared and the darkness of the night quickly covered the land. The devil spawn had ditched the Princess without even a phone call, or any word whatsoever. He is like the scorpion who must always show his true nature and sting you to DEATH....or of being an absolute Dick Wad in the case of this devil spawn . This hurtful blow woke the princess out of the spell’s daze and she realized how badly she’d been played once again, in thinking that this devil spawn would ever change or ever really cared. Especially after his wicked cruelty every single time before and at this point it’s getting kind of ridiculous!!! ............the end............. So yeah that’s my story and I’m sticking with it.....D is such a dick....And I’m a total Loser for ever even talking to him again after ever single thing that has happened. I’m such a fuckin fool, and yet after ever single time I swear that he is so history and yet here I am yet’s like deja vo.....It’s like deja vo all over again. Anyway I’m outtie here for now.......
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