Alright Ya'll

I guess it's been a little bit since I updated but hey, AOL cancelled my account due to someone hacking into my screename and sending out illegal spam. Lovely, am I right? Fuckin' A. My mom's going to get it all figured out today so I should have my computer back tonight. Damn hackers. Fuck all ya'll. Needless to say, I have my car back! My dad and I stuffed the tranny in Sunday morning and I was able to drive it to work Sunday night. She runs like hell now. That transmission must have really been fucked before it went out because now she gets up and goes. Man. Even Jeff agrees with me when I say she runs a lot better. She has no paint job, not even a primer job, but oh well. I've been sanding and stuff and my dad's air compressor went out so we can't spray her just yet. She'll live. I've got my baby back! =) I'm happy. I'm tired as hell though. I've been working nonstop since Thursday and my next day off ain't until tomorrow. Then I work Thursday and then I'm off Friday. But then I pull a bloody 2-close Saturday. Blah. Oh well. Money is money. And the mo' money, the betta. Our store is going through its remodel and it looks like shiat so far. They tore up the walkway in softlines and put a wall up around Food Avenue and started building the Pharmacy we're getting. We're also getting a Starbucks and a Pizza Hut. Joyous. More fattening food for my fat ass. I know where Lauren'll be. STARFUCKS! WOOT! I hate coffee. And I'm gonna have to smell it every friggin' day now. The construction guys are creepy. They come in at about 9:45 and start laying out their plans for the night and stare at me and smile in the process. Ewwy. They like my car. One told me so. Pfft. I have to pick up Jeff on my lunch. They destoryed the I-10 overpass on Fry. Woot. Alright. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
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*fork fork* i'm glad you got your baby back. =D now if we can convince rebekah that we don't ditract eachother, perhaps the nine foot pole will fall out of her bum.
haha, yay the camaro is back! effing A cotton effing A