My Dog Is Black.

Well, as for an update, this one will be quick and short. Much like something else I enjoy. I mean.. Nah. The sex is good. Jeff and I found a house. It's perty. There's no fencing up front; it's all one big brick wall on both sides of the house. The house is only a 2 bedroom, I think 1 bath, and it only has a 1 car garage but I think that's all Jeff and I need right now. Until the family comes. Later on. WAY later on. The Nova will go in the garage, of course, and we'll have to suffer parking one behind the other on the driveway. Oh well. We haven't seen the inside of it yet but the dude said he'll be more than happy to show it to us either this weekend or sometime next week when Jeff and I are both off. I'm excited. It has a jacuzzi bathtub and a huge backyard. Housewarming party, anyone? I'm talking the whole nine yards. Bar-b-que, strippers, alcohol (the house has a wet bar).. Fuck yes. The only real problem with the house is the carpet's in bad shape. The guy said we could probably just take a steam cleaner to it and it'll look better but later on it might have to be replaced. Meh. And only $7-750 a month! Yeah. I'm excited. Hopefully all went well with Dallas' move-in with my wifey. It's about damn time one moved in with the other. They practically live together, anyway. Working 11-7 today and tomorrow. Blah. Then noon to 10:30 on Saturday. Yeah. It sucks but the more hours, the more money. We all know I need all the money in the world right now. Oh yeah. That reminds me. The guy doesn't want any sort of down payment or anything on the house. We might just be moving in within the next week. Seriously. The guy told us we might as well start packing now. I'm so fucking excited. I've always wanted my own house. He said that for right now we can rent it out and if we decide to take over his mortgage in a few years, we can buy it. That made me even more excited. I'm jumping up and down in my chair right now. I love my baby. Life's good. And you know what? I didn't even have to eat one of those McDonald's fruit salads. Fuck McDonalds.
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SLEEPOVER AT MITTLE KRONSTERS!!! i am so happy for you!!!!

i love you wifey!