Confederate This, Bitch.

He needs to come home. I miss him so much. Talking to him on the phone isn't enough. I want to touch him. I want to hold him. I want him to hold me. I want to kiss him and feel his warm lips. I want to feel his body against mine. Okay. Is anyone else getting horny? Anyway. He comes home Saturday night though. So I get to spend Sunday with him and that's it. Then he works during the day all week but he'll be in Houston. So we'll still get to see each other after 5. Unless I'm able to find another job soon. Ugh. I can't wait to see him. I'm going to jump him. I hope he's prepared. Only two more days. I get paid tomorrow. Sort of. Blah. I have to pay bills with it though. Grr. I went to the Nine Inch Nails CD release party last night at Numbers with Dallas, Lauren, and Alan. It was pretty amusing. 80's guy and the old guy groping my ass. The old, half-naked man in leather pants and trench coat. Pot smoking and people drunk off their fucking asses. Cab drivers beating the shit out of their paying passengers. The CD was really good though. I'm definitely buying it May 3rd. Two days after my 18th birthday! Woot! My 18th birthday is in exactly a month from tomorrow. Yes, I am so counting down. I can't wait. Come on, Saturday. I want my baby back.
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Thanks for the comment about my hair.. i really don't think it looks all that great.. and i think I said it before.
Yeah.. it would be cool to go job hunting.. i should really hang out with you two , also.
Just give me a call or something?
And yeah.. Devan* ... seems cool? I don't really see him.. or talk to him. Today was the longest that he and I talked. I don't have any classed with him or anything. We just see each other in
the hall. And those sightings are few and far between. But yeah.
Now, your hair.. you should dye it like.. Darkest Mahogony Brown. It's like a dark dark burgundy color. Almost black but not quite.. it's still redish..

The thing that i hate with red is that Everytime i dye my hair any color, it fades to a shade of red. The red will not go away.

I really don't like it, even thought everyone tells me , "you look so good with red hair!" meh.

and i just noticed that i wrote " everytime i dye..."
and thats a band. Ha.

only it's.. Everytime I Die.

ha.. sorry i had to point that out.
hey, i tried texting you for 2 fucking hours this morning and it WONT WORK!!

but me and Laur are cool now, i handled the situation incorrectly. And i do have communication problems, im really sorry too. I shouldve talkedto you guys that day but all is done now, we need a girls day out. Just us 4 (alan counts, hehe), whenever your boys arent around.


ttyl chica