184. Steering Gear Box.

I'm off today. Thank god. No, I don't hate the job already. I probably never will, anyway. I'm just tired and I have so many things I need to get done. I got a $50 dollar check in the mail from my Aunt for graduation. Score. I need to go deposit that today. There's a few things I need to buy and my car needs gas, as usual. This money came just in time. I think I'm going to graduate now. Hopefully. I have my fingers crossed. I miss my baby. I stopped by his house last night after work and he had cooked me dinner and had it waiting for me when I got there. I thought that was so sweet. Then we cuddled and I ended up falling asleep. I love him so much. I think it's good that we both have jobs now though. We're both working - hard. That also gives us some space from each other and I think it's making us a bit stronger. Last night when I saw him I felt so much more affection for him than I did when I didn't have a job. I guess absence does make the heart grow fonder. I miss him and I love him so much. Just lying in his arms for that hour made my day. Hell, it made my week. I love him so much. Okay. Enough with the mushy stuff. I'm just glad I'll be off in time on Sunday to make it to the next car club meeting. Everyone will finally get to see my car. At the first meeting I didn't have it because of that power steering problem. Which, by the way, came back. Kind of. Now me gear box is leaking because the damn seal broke loose. Something else for me to fix. And looky, I'm off today. How wonderful. I guess this is it. ♥Krittle
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sucks about the steering, hope that gets fixed soon. and dont worry about asking me questions that seem like they should be secret, I'm very open. so the deal with "blonde" is that i was kind of with her for a couple of months but she lives about a 2.5 hour drive from me. so i went to see her once and she had a boyfriend down where she lives, so it made things a little awkward, for me at least. so i'm sort of... not too interested in her.
aww thats so cute!!!