Drama, Drama.

Yesterday was crazy. I was at work during all of this, but, still. I think yesterday must have been the most exciting day in Target history. First off, I walked in the door and clocked in at 4. The moment after I clocked in, Target lost all power. Including emergency lights. After about 10 minutes, the emergency lights came on but the registers were still down. Once the registers came back up, they were accepting cash only. We had to work like that for about an hour and a half. Harold almost decided to shut the store down and send everyone home. Damn Center Point Energy. Finally the lights came back on and the registers were working properly. Around 6:30, 7 the apartments across the street from Foodtown and Wal-Mart went up in flames. Foodtown is right next door to Target so it was pretty much across the street from us, too. I stood out there for about 10 minutes watching what was going on and saw that they pretty much had it under control. Just when I decided to turn around and go back inside, there was a loud explosion and the apartments went right back up in flames. It was crazy. When I walked out the door at 10 to go home, they had in back under control but still had FM 529 blocked off. The fire was so bad it was coming over the wall that divided 529 from the apartment complex. One of my co-workers and a really good friend of mine, Joseph Tolbert, lived in the part of the complex that caught fire. He was taken to the hospital on account of bad smoke inhalation. He's doing fine though. Thank god. A couple other of Target's employees live over there also and they're still awaiting word on them. Then, around 9 some lady's kid who wasn't maybe even one yet fell out of a basket and hit his head on the floor. He was knocked unconscious and paramedics and an ambulance showed up. They revived the kid and rush him to the hospital. The mother was hysterical. She was screaming and crying and making a huge scene. Target's full of drama. I swear. My Valentine's Day was good. Despite work, I got to see Jeff. He bought me a heart necklace. It's soooo pretty. He took me to Taco Bell on my lunch too when he came and saw me. After his truck broke down on him again due to the fuel sending unit. Blah. More work, more money. Oh well. Well, that's it. For now. No one seems to read this or comment, so, whatever.
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boyyy that sounds really interesting..well at least it wasnt just another day at work! lol!

and yea Joey is a great guy but my parents just dont get it. All they see is that he is a guy and that he could harm me IN EVERY FUCKING WAY POSSIBLE!!

WOOO im hanging out with Lau Lau today!!!! IM EXCITED AS FUCK TO SEE HER!!
I was at Walmart when the Apts. caught fire...it was crazy! I am glad your friend is doing fine...Hopefully the others are ok too. And the baby, too! I'll pray for 'em! TTYL Brandy
i comment. woman.

as soon as i leave, shit gets interesting.
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Is that like a sign that you shouldn't have left home that day. lol thats some crazy shit.