Uno Mas Cervesa.

My dad's selling the house we live in now. Great. He said with me moving out and all he doesn't really need to be paying for that big of a house for just three people. Especially since my mom won't get a job. Meh. We should be going to look at the inside of the house sometime this week. Jeff and I, that is. And I suppose my parents are going to start looking for a house as well. I really do not want to go to work today. My head fucking hurts so bad and it's been like this for days. My assistant manager gave me some Sudafed yesterday but I don't really think it helped. It just made me even more tired. My schedule next week sucks. I'm off Tuesday and Wednesday. 10-7 Sunday, 9-6:30 Monday, 3:30-10:30 Thursday, 12-10:30 Friday, 10-7 Saturday, and 7:30-5 Sunday. 7:30 til freakin' 5. I really don't want to have to get up that early, dammit. Oh well. Hours are money. Well, thought I'd update. Now it's time for me to do a little packing before I have to start getting ready for work. I'm still excited about this.
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MONEY! mony money money moneyeyeye.

redneck is cute by the way!

i love you.
FUCKIN NIGGA!!! :-D. Last night was funny.

Love you,
