sad song

Listening to: my thunderous mind
Feeling: betrayed
to anyone who ever happens to read this ive got a uber sad n melancholy guitar riff going (and actually decent for once) no its NOT emo (uurgh) but if anyone wants to donate lyrics, coz im having a shitty dry spell atm, it would be much appreciated liv xx
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Betrayed? ...whats up?

I am proud of who I am....sealife perv lol! Green Day next week! woo! I'm so excited for you
ah i know the feeling...I had ine friend who I'm sure she lied to me about quite a lot of shit...but I never found out whether it was true or not...and I never will...I'm great! I've got a Duke of Edinburgh expedition on friday...oh joy!
I didnt write that no. its by bruce springsteen. Amazing song.
But anyway. I still dont have msn. And i dont really wish to use it. Infact I am going to boycott it from now on because it is a total piece of shit.
Liv...can I ask you a huge favour...
Do you know if you can get me some speed or ritalin or anything and send it over to me?
this is desperate. I would return the favour. please. i just need you to help me on this one.
Thanks liv. I really appreciate it. You dont know how much i want to just hang myself or something right now. Its terrible. All I ever wanted was just to be alone with my drugs. And look at us now. We are in love and its crashing everywhere. It wasnt supposed to be like this. And i promise you that if you do this for me then i will stop straight after. I wont do it again.

Today has been total shit. I cried for most of it. Dug into my arms
...with tweezers and tried to touch the bone. there was alot of blood and my fingers sort of seemed to find themselves searching inside these wounds to see what was going on in their. so as a result i have gaping holes in my wrist and dried blood all over my bathroom tiles
i already have some steri strips on them. I might want them to get infected though. In my sanity i just need anything that will realease drugs in my body. Like a pain - my body will produce something to relieve the pain. I think thats what i was after today. digging the ends of my fingers into my wounds.

Liv. I shouldnt make promises that I probably cant keep. How about I will gather together all of my strength after my next hit and put myself rehab?
To be honest. If i lost me left arm it wouldnt bother me greatly. After all i only need my right one to masturbate with. And we all know that i like doing that lots :]

Im going to my doctors tommorow to see if i can get my prescription sooner than the end of this month. I just cant wait to get those pills. Smash them up and snort them up.
hot? are you joking?

you havent even seen me.
Anyway im going to bed. Going to attempt to sleep. I will probably end up watching the shopping channel all night. [one of my secret favourtie pass times]
Oooh, nice. Only the best guys ask for blow jobs...

=/ nasty nasty nasty

Poor you. And stick to your morals. they seem to be the best =)

Life is good over here, apart from all the exams. How about you?

Oh, and feel free to steal whatever you like that's lyrical from my page, if you like it that is, I don't think I'll have much need for it in the future. Most of it's pretty crappy but you might find something you like =)
