Twood and Steven RIP

right so on sunday evening two boys from a local school of mine were murdered; twood 14 and steven 16 you probably heard about it on the news. one guy had been held and another has been released. i hate the bastards who did it. i swear i used to see steven walking around my area i cant believe something like this could happen just a mile away from where i live. and me and a friend were walking around near that area about that time. and this isnt the 1st time something like this happens where i live. in reading just 5 miles from me a 14 year old girl was kidnapped, severly drugged and beaten, repeatdly raped and then murdered, and her friend who went through the same was left for dead but found close enough from the end to save her. and this was just THIS summer 3 murders and one failed murder all where i live in the space of 1 summer i cant believe the lack of morals some people have, i cant believe someone could carry out such horrendous acts as my friend put it "this place is turning into the ghetto" may they Rest In Peace "You Are Gone But You're Not Forgotten" liv xx leave your condolences or whatever if you wish.
Read 7 comments
sorry to hear about that
I'm comparing two articles about that incident in my General Studies class - it's terrible. I give my deepest condolences to all those affected by it.

I can't believe someone got 95%! That's unbelieveable =/ hehe

I started college, too. With a new music course (which I don't like) and history, french, maths, general studies and critical thinking. It's all so exciting. Well, not really. But, still =)

Hope you're okay =)

Yes, tis very classical and theoretical and boring.

So very very very boring =( Such a shame.

Ah well, otherwise everything is well and good at the moment =) And autumn is just round the corner, yay autumn =)

How are things in Livland? (And I'm very jealous of your good music course =P but I'm glad you like it)

Aw, I'm glad you're happy =) It's all good, yay! =)

And yeah, I'll come and join your music course! I'll commute from Manchester. It'll be fun =) Like a road trip everyday. Wow, yeah. And then we can all get drunk together and it'll be fantastic.

Happy, drunk and horny in Livland. Surely it can't get much better? =D

I think I need to go out and get drunk some time soon. Too much much work =p

Hope you're okay and not too
hungover from your drink binge (hell yeah for irish blood =D)

Oooh, did I tell you that I might be going to see inme next month? Wanna come? =) hehe

love you =)
I am right here. Why is it that people presume that if im not online im dead or something. Im free to do what i want anyway...if i want to kill myself i will.
Omg.. thats horrible, hope the cunts that did it rot in hell..