
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargHHHH im fucked off never mind why got i must seem like a manic if you read my latest entrys happy sad utopia hellish fuccck shitty wanks someone read my last entry please make me feel wanted god knows i need some fucking tlc
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previous entry: InMe are amazing, you're lucky, it must have been fucking fantasic! I know what you mean about the sweat thing. That happens to me every time I go to a gig. Nasty, but a typical attribute. If you're not sweaty then it wasn't a proper gig =p hehe

Also, I know what you mean about the no hangover thing cause I'm half Irish too and I never get hangovers. It's great. I love it. Yay. It's all good.

this entry: I hate mood swings
too, and it takes so little to trigger them. It's nasty, but I'm sure they'll stablalise one day and then we can all live happily ever after.


Hope you're feeling better.

I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!

Love always,