wee hours of the morning

Listening to: DeadPoetic
Feeling: torn
Hey all it's 3 o'clock in the morninf ... i was out all night with my brother korey brian and brian's dad ....Brian's dad picked us all up and we had a ice cube fight ...then we went back to brian's house and played video games and i got two strawberry daqueria (i can't spell) and the guys had this nasty shit which brian downed it then drank his coke and my brother and korey mixed it together which was an awful idea ....we went outside and walked for a while and then came back and played more video games and i fought korey over his hat ....korey left at 10;30 and around 11 i got really tired and fell asleep a few times but woke myslef up and around 12;50 we went driving around until 2:50 .... we went to a old shkay bridge and next time we go driving we are going to some grave yards ....well i'm hungry so i'm going to eat and fall asleep ! Love you all BYes Sleepy & Hungry Bob
Read 4 comments
bob.Guess what?my friend took one of my kitties for me so I didn't have to take care of all5,then there were4.then mary wanted to take one until it gets biger so I don't have to bottle feed it,then there were3.One of my kittens were acting sick so I was holding it crying and peting it,then there were 2.it died in my hands,I didn't want to believe it died,I was just peting it telling him to wake up.I only have 2 :( sad day.. Sam misses Bob too!
Ice cube fight..spiffy..cold much? hahaha id love to peg someone in the head with an ice cube...brilliant.
yea lp does linkin park...thanks for the comment bye!!
I havn't talked to you for some time now. Sounds like things are going good. I'm glad to hear. Drinking and ice cube fights, spells f-u-n to me :-) hope to talk soon!